Friday, June 24, 2011

Early Bird

So I'm in my car, waiting for it to be 11:45 so I can walk in my job interview that's scheduled at 12.

It's funny, I find myself more worried about how I'm going to be able to balance this job (if I get it) my existing job & full time internship (if I get it).

This job is only a seasonal job, so I'll be let go around late September? My other job is a part time job, which ATM doesn't have many hours to offer but I'm 100% sure in a couple months I'll be hitting more hours. AND THEN this internship is 20-23 hours a week for 3 months.

If all goes well, I will be forced to drop a job. Because I'm obviously not going to drop the design job. But the thing is, I couldnt see myself leave my first job, not yet at least. This second job I could leave.. But I would feel terrible if this second job gives me hours and such this coming week and I leave. But then again... They do pay more..

I don't know what to do, and there is no possible way I can balance the three. I mean I could but I would definitely be biting more than I can chew.

Buuuuut I have had 3 jobs + being a FT student. But 2/3 jobs were freelance :/

AHHHHH what do I do!?

I guess what I should do is go into this interview and kick butt and see what happens next.

Wish me luck!

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