Friday, December 28, 2012

2012 Reflection Post

(click) A look back at my 2011 reflection post!

Is this year already over? Goodness gracious, it really is! Time flies when you're having a ball. I've sat down a total of 5 times trying to force myself to type this blog, but it just never happened (I started this on Saturday morning and finished it Sunday night). But this time It will happen! Hang on tight readers, this is going to be a novel. (Though, I don't expect anyone to read this, as you all know this blog is merely intended for future-self, but if you find yourself reading it, I LOVE YOU! :]) Here it goes!

To say 2012 was an amazing year is an understatement, 2012 has definitely been a life turning year for me on so many levels both positive and negative. I've grown so much this year and I wouldn't be the person I am today without the help of my family, boyfriend, friends & co-workers. I've been blessed to be surrounded by talented and caring people. The memories I leave behind in 2012 is what I hope to be a carbon copy of the years to come.

1: A few things you will never forget in 2012

(Again this year I will keep this simple because I know I will eventually elaborate on each of them if not most. And, I know this said "a few" but uhm, that ain't happenin')

In chronological order -

•  Getting my Disneyland premium pass and all the happy adventures I've made with it.
•  Facing my fear and shooting a gun.
•  The car accident & recovery and what it has left me as a person, this, I will get into later.
•  Losing my Markie Boy in a terrible manner
•  Buying my first car! Welcoming Murfee the Yellow Mini Cooper to the family!
•  First basketball game! Los Angeles Clippers!
•  First time apartment hunting and how much I realized how badly I wanted a studio.
•  My obsession over Diablo -- yea that happened.
•  My first concert with Jourel -- K.Pop!
•  4 years with my baby! Stinky rose <3
•  Anime Expo - Luffy, Sumomo & 
•  Summer 2012 - lots of swimming!
•  Tony get's his job!!
•  I went ombre and my goodness do I still love it! 
•  Pismo beach and how much that was!
•  Mini takes the States!! 
•  And speaking of Mini, let us never forget the big impact Brandon left on us.
•  My dad turns 50!
•  Tony turns 25!! -- Old men!
•  San Diego getaway with my babyboy!!
•  MOVED OUT TO DTLA and beginning the tighest budget and financial headache, ever. LOL
•  I turn 21 and the amazingness that followed !
•  Maggie turns 15! 
•  Vegas vegas vegas!
•  My mom turns 49! 
•  I slowly but surely start increasing my practice in design, typography, calligraphy & drawing.
•  Christmas - nuff said.

2. Relationship(s)

My Tony <3 I remember last year saying that 2011 was our best year, but 2012 definitely knocked 2011 out of it's socks. However, we did have a minor encounter with a huge home wrecking speed bump, but we've learned that no one tries to take Krislam away from Tony without getting an earful from my baby. Fact is, no one can tear us apart. Not even a tattle-telling no good(did I mention)home- wrecker-drama-queen-bimbo -- ANYWAYS, 2012 was an incredible year for us! Shortly after Tony got his job at LightLab and me moving out to DTLA our relationship sky rocketed to a whole new level! A leaving-our-toothbrush-at-each-others-place-level, yea boy. Although seeing each other still has us limited to once a week, sometimes we're lucky enough to see each other for the entire weekend. We recently started sleeping over at each others places which grants us more time with each other and lot's of cuddling! Especially now being Winter and all, I need my man to keep me warm cause gaddmit he is a heater, LOL. Being able to spend an entire weekend with him and waking up next to him only to have to be separated for an entire week is killer. That's why we've decided that we're going to make a goal that sometime in 2014, if we're both ready, to move out together. I know I've said that I'm young and need my space and freedom, but if freedom means being apart from Tony than I don't want that. I want to come home from work and see my baby and talk to him about my day, I want to run useless errands like getting groceries or fixing something in the house. Y'know, couple things. I get a lot of crap from people about how Tony being my second boyfriend and not allowing myself to "test the waters" or "meet other people" cause I'm so young. And to that I say, I know he and I started awfully young, but that only means I was able to spend the last 5 years growing together and now I get the years to come on top of that! Call my selfish but, I do love my Tony (: I'm happy. We're happy. He's going to be my sidekick till this world ends, forsure. I promise! We've shared countless memories this year, all which I want to hang onto and cherish until forever. I love this guy more than anyone in the world! Cheers to an amazing 2012 baby :] FYI we're hitting 5 years on May 2013, yeeyea!

3. The best day

September 15, 2012 - The day I signed the lease to our studio.

I've said it once and I'll say it again, my no. 1 goal before I turned 21 was to be in my dream-loft/studio. I've had so many accomplishments before I even hit 20 so I made it a goal to get myself financially prepared to make take the big leap of fate. Living in Downtown has made me 100000x more responsible, but that's not to say that I have more to learn cause I'm 100% sure that once I get myself to live on my own or with Tony there will be obstacles I must face. Back to the topic, living in Downtown has been a blessing! There are definitely ups and downs with living in such a busy city but I love every single part of it. My roomies are pretty damn awesome, we've endured a lot in the past 3 months to the point where they're basically family. Speaking of family, I miss mine more than ever and it's extremely different not seeing them everyday, but it's a part of growing up right? My mom makes it a thing to call me every day, so it's basically like I never left home xD I'm not entirely sure if I'll ever go back home, but the thought that I could be saving $750/month haunts me. However, coming home to a studio and being in the city I love makes it all worth it! 

4. The worst day

February 18, 2012 - My car accident

It's almost a year since my accident and it still haunts me till this very day. It still seems unreal that I was flipped over and walked out with no injuries, but I did and I couldn't be more thankful and blessed. All that to say, since that dreadful day driving has been more of an obstacle more than ever, driving at night is absolutely terrifying because my definition of a "safe lane change" has been distorted, but I still drive because there is no way I'm going to let an irresponsible driver keep me from one of things I love doing, driving. I've learned to love each and every day and try my best to stray from away from negative things. I tell the people I love that I love them because you never know what will happen, life is too damn short to be fussing over stupid things. I live my life in ways I never lived since the accident, I mean I don't go out and splurge and party, but I want to learn new things and be with the people I love every day. I also started embracing my religions further on since God and my guardian angels were the ones that kept me safe and I've never felt more protected in my life. But there is the dark side, I even started over thinking the purpose of life and what may happen after life or why we're even here to the point where I'm essentially scaring myself. It goes both ways and it's all because of the accident. Although my mind and lifestyle may never be the same, I try to look at the accident as a way of God trying to tell me to live life to the fullest and to never take if for granted. And while it may not be easy to drive now, it will be soon and by then I'll be much stronger :) 

5. The most memorable day 

It was the night before Christmas (seriously, we celebrated 10pm on the 24th) all the little boys and girls were opening their presents. While I gazed upon the scenery absorbing the happiness and the laughter from the little children a purple box with a white bow appeared before my eyes. Although I recognized the box I was in disbelief in what I thought would be inside. Eager to open the present, I tear it apart instead of allowing it to open like a flower, and inside is a silver teddy bear! Still in disbelief I look at the zipper chain and see "Ben Bridge" yet I still couldn't wrap my head around what could be inside. My first thought was either a pair of earrings or a necklace, BUT NO! to my surprise it was a beautiful beautiful AMAZING promise ring! Tony did his research and remembered the ring I pointed out a year ago and BAM...! Happiness flooded my cheeks turning them rosey as ever bringing tears to my eyes, but I had to keep my cool since I was around my family and didn't want to draw TOO much attention. I am beyond happy to wear this ring on my finger, it is a little big but I will get it resized next weekend I want to spend some time with it! Thank you so much Tony for making me such a happy girl! Its beautiful and sparkly AND THIN! Everything I ever wanted ! I will cherish it forever! 

6. Your best friend(s) 

As life moves on people will become distant and days and months will go by where you haven't exchanged a single hello and not even notice. A lot of my friends who used to be close are not as close as they used to be and there's no one to blame other than our busy life. All that to say, while those who are distant remain distant there will always be two people in my life I know will always be there for me. 


Maggie, my little boshy. She and I have a bond that no one will ever have with me. We almost never fight and if we do we can never remember why. I love her so much and ever since our move I feel like she and I have gotten stronger. She knows me on a level that only she knows how to tend to when it gets crazy. It sucks that I'm not at home watching her grow and being there in person when she needs to talk to someone about high school drama, but she knows that I'll always be a phone call away. It scares me because she's getting older now meaning she's going to start driving, bringing home a potential boyfriend, applying for college and working ! UGH, STOP GROWING! sigh* I know she's excited to grow and learn but I really just want her to stay tiny forever. No matter how old we get, how far apart we are we're always going to be Boshys and nothing will ever change that. And if she ever gets a boyfriend, I hope he knows that I will CRUSH HIM if he hurts my baby sister. 

Jourel, my biffle. I know I didn't mention him last year and I feel like crap for not doing so, but let it be known that he has never skipped a beat in my life. He's been there for the absolute worst parts of my life and the best parts. Jourel and I have been friends since freshman year in high school and he is THE BEST best friend you could ever have. I really wish I could see him more often but our life is sooo darn busy! But we definitely try to make time to at least skype or have a conversation on AIM (yes, we still use AIM xD) he and I understand each other in ways no one else really can cause we're so difficult, haha! Jourel you are my rock and I love you to the moon and back, I miss you and our random adventures. Cheers to our amazingly strong friendship! 

7. Your birthday

I turned 21 baby!!!!!!!! This was THE BEST BIRTHDAY EVER! not because I turned 21 but because I was able to spend it with the people I love! Everyday a new adventure awaits to celebrate my birthday. I pretty much celebrated it for an entire month, haha! I'm going to C&P the blog post on my birthday cause that in itself is just a whole other novel. 

Click here to read about me turning 21! :) 

But long story short I had a wonderful birthday filled with love ! :)

8. The funnest getaway

For Tony's 25th birthday I decided to book a hotel and get tickets for Sea World! Tony loves aquariums so what better way to celebrate his birthday than at the almost greatest aquarium ever! We stayed at the Embassy Suites for 2 nights and 3 days! It was so great to be alone with my baby and having an adventure in an area we were unfamiliar with. We hopped into Murfee and drove into the night. We also went to Coronado and Balboa Park where we did lots of sightseeing and wandering around the museum, it sounds lame but  I loved every second of it. The highlight of the adventure was sitting by the shore in Coronado and overlooking the skyline that I admittedly said was really really pretty BUT NOTHING compared to DTLA skyline. To be honest, what made the skyline so beautiful was the fact that there was water involved and the reflection of the light on the water was stunning, so you won THAT time SD, but DTLA forever. I honestly loved this adventure and I hope that we could take more. Spending time with Tony and not having to worry about a single thing other than loving each other is more than I can ever ask for. We're planning another getaway for our 5th year!! (as earlier stated)   

9. The end of last school year/The beginning of this one

Unfortunately I have not been in school since graduation, but that's only because I've been blessed with my job. I do plan on going back but not anytime soon, I do feel as if I am learning so much more at my job because of my coworkers than what I could be potentially learning at school and spending so much money. Don't get me wrong I do understand that school can offer me the attention and discipline I need to become a better designer, but since I don't have the money to pay for it, learning from my talented co-workers  is the next best thing. I love my co-workers and the drive they give me to want to be a better designer. In the next 2 years I do hope that if I do decide to pursue my Bachelors it would be at Art Center in Pasadena. But we will have to see what life has in store for me! 

10. New Year Resolution

• Hopefully sometime in the next year I will finally be able to put my fear from my accident behind me and not let it haunt me.

Continue to stay healthy and maintain my weight.
• This year was a definite improvement in my design skills so I want to continue to get better.
•  Save as much money as I could
•  Continue to live in LA ! 
•  Learn the piano 
•  Spend as much time with parents/family 
•  Keep my bond with my sister strong
•  Keep working hard at work 
•  Continue to strengthen my relationship with Tony
and most of all, be a better person than I was the day before and love each and every day that comes by :) 

2012 you were the best year thus far, thank you God for keeping my family, my friends & myself safe and blessing us with another year. I can only hope that 2012 is only a preview of what 2013 is going to be ! (minus the car accident, that I can live without LOL)

Cheers to the new year! 

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