Thursday, December 6, 2012

What's been keeping me busy :]

(Insert long exhausted BUT HAPPY ^^ sigh here) -- boy oh boy it's December! Going to try and gather up whatever energy I have left for today to type up a substantial blog.

After a long time over whining and sapping about how "I can't do this -- " " I can't draw" " I can never be like this.." I finally said enough was enough (and after being inspired by my co-workers) I pushed myself to stop being that poor 'ol sap and started teaching myself hand lettering and figure drawing, and let's be honest I am NOT the greatest artist ever, HECK a year ago I couldn't write nice for my life or attempt to draw a face, but here I am :)

I've been occupying most of my time in my books and in my sketchbooks telling myself to keep going, and even though it's not the greatest in the world I'm so glad to see the amount of improvement. It goes to show that with dedication and hard work you can achieve almost anything. I'm very proud of myself ^_^

On top of hand lettering and sketching, I've also picked up cooking! It's so much fun, hehe. Again, most of my cooking is pretty basic but the fact that I can make something out of nothing is pretty impressive given the fact I don't have much of kitchen experience due to my moms lack of cooking (she hates cleaning afterwards xD) Lately, I've been stirring up some small-simple dishes like boiled shrimp with garlic and tossing it in a salad, or my moms BBQ chicken (yea, I know I just said she doesn't cook but y'know) and adding in more ingredients to give it an extra kick  (green peppers, cilantro, mint & lots and lots of garlic!!!!). It's funny most of my dishes contain garlic & cilantro, the two mixed together is just so amazingly good - UGH. And because of Mother Quach I have grown to love mint and put it in everything that I eat. Actually, she's one of the main reasons why I started going grocery shopping (like actual grocery shopping for produce not hot pockets, LOL) and making my own food. I think she finds it comforting to know that her future daughter in law knows how to cook (she's an amazing cook, btw). $30 worth of grocery lasts me an entire week and a half! How awesome is that?!?!?!

Anyways, apart from the two mentioned above I've honestly been trying to not spend any money and really focus on my work. I want to be an amazing graphic designer like my co-workers but I know that I need to work my butt off so I can be like them in the future and gosh it's so exciting being exposed to creative people and just getting inspired to do new things. I really wish we had more time in the day just so I can dedicate a few hours to just being able to sit down and draw and practice -- man.. that'd be great.

All that to say, I love my life right now :]

Practice practice practice! And self-discipline.

Mmkays, speaking of self-discipline I should really be going to sleep now. Last night I was up until 2:30 drawing -- hahaha xD

Till next time world!

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