Sunday, January 27, 2013

Hello 2013 : MIA?

Hello world? How's it going?

In the midst of being a busy bee I decided to stop and take a look at my blogger to which I noticed the last time I blogged was last year *buh dum clash -- cymbals fall to the ground making a loud shatter*

On that note -- Happy New Year! (: Hello 2013, let's make this an unforgettable (and safe) year, yes?

Actually, it's only been a month, a month too long. Although I have a valid reason as to why I've been so MIA, most of my time now is spent off the computer unless I'm at work, designing, or simply using it as a place for reference, but even then I tend to use my cell phone, since you know it's so awesome :p hehe.

I just came to check in so that future me won't hate me for not posting a new years blog x] As previously posted in my 2012 reflection post I do plan on doing a lot of new things, all of which revolve around me becoming a better and educated designer along with strengthening my talents in other things such as, cooking, playing the piano, taking photos, etc. -- All that good stuff!

One of my bigger projects I hope to accomplish this year is to finally get a good working website up, with the help of my wonderful and talented friend, Peter, I hope that I can start posting my work and really branding myself as a designer. With that being said, should I find my style in the process of doing that I'd be extremely happy, but for now we'll take baby steps. Afterall, branding ourself is probably the hardest thing to do as designers cause let's be honest, we are our worst client -- HA!

Another big project that I will be doing is my 12 novel challenge of 2013 (I'll work on the title, LOL) I plan to read a minimum of 1 book per month (depending on the length of the book) summarize what I read and maybe...maybe... design a little something or two...(concept is still boiling in the noggin!) I'm attempting this challenge purely based on the fact that 1. I need to better my vocabulary, grammar and overall flow of my blog/writing 2. Books are a great way to get the imagination going :) Most of the books I'll read will probably have an existing movie already out, I always find the movie an incentive for reading a book, that and it's a great discussion with anyone that also read/watched the book/movie. Btw -- Book of the month: Kite Runner by Khaled Hossein, apparently I'm the only one who hasn't read the book.. I have about 7 chapters to go, pretty sure this book may overlap to Feburary which is fine because I plan to read small books in Febraruy (The Perks of Being a Wallflower & Tuesdays with Morrie) but we shall see! No spoiler or else I will kick you in the shin...!

As far as freelancing, I'm still a little timid about the idea but maybe I'll try to pick up small things and work my way up to bigger things. Many of my friends/co-workers do side projects but usually eat up their time, but of course they are far more established in the industry than I am, so hopefully I'll get there...not hopefully, I will.

Anyways, with all these personal projects going I think I'll be pretty busy during the upcoming months, I'll promise to not be such a stranger :p

'Till next time world!