Saturday, June 15, 2013

Open Doors : Onto the next!

Hello world! Checking in from Ontario! Going to be spending a week here to do a lot of catching up, breathing and reflecting. Just kidding, I'm here because there's food. -- LOL, jk.

Hmm, just checked when my last post was and apparently it wasn't too long ago, hmm getting better at this blogging thing sorta kinda.

I know this has been said and done for the past 2 weeks, but bare with me as this will be my last encourging post and the posts that will follow will be more exciting, hehe. I do feel I owe it to myself to write about it in THIS blog as opposed to tumblr cause I know I probably won't find it in there, maybe.

Here we goooo -

About 2 weeks ago a match was ignited and put underneath my butt (I don't mean this literally, but it sure felt like it haha) To say I was shocked was merely the first fall of the domino effect that later came throughout the day. Feelings and emotions were definitely at it's finest as I found myself to be utterly disappointed but somewhat relieved. I obviously won't go into detail but I'll say this much, it was definitely a life changing moment.

Within the first 24 hours I told myself I wouldn't let myself sulk for too long, heck I felt as if I was already back on my feet the moment I saw my mom. I knew that deep within the crazy emotions I faced that moment that somewhere underneath was a designer ready to take on the new adventure, she just had to climb out of the heap of stress and frustration. She eventually got up ;]

The week that preceded was an intense one, I got all my ducks in a row just in time to start my new adventure. I gave myself a tight deadline because I was pretty much determined that I was going to get myself back on my feet no later than a week. It was one heck of a week but I couldn't be anymore proud of myself :)

Shortly after my rigorous "training" - as it were, I spent the weekend with someone pretty awesome and took my mind off all the stress and frustration, he, who will remain nameless for the time being, has been extremely supportive since day one and I couldn't be more thankful to have said awesome person to keep my head above water. (That's not to say no one else was supportive, I'll get into that later, but this was more of a shout-out)

Week 2 flew by and it was then I realized how much of a blessing this life changing moment was as opposed to a bitter end. I got a lot done and none of it would of happened had I stayed within my comfort zone. Without giving too much away, all I can say is that I am thankful for this new opportunity to really find myself as a person and a designer. I cannot wait till more doors open and my little puddle of connections become a huge ocean. I can honestly say that I am extremely happy :) I am still worried because of certain deadlines that still need to be met even with insufficient funds but I know that the day will come when things will be fully in line, until then I'll enjoy this crazy spontaneous "always-gotta-stay-on-your-toes" thrill...

And while things ended so quickly and my goodbye isn't entirely what I envisioned, thank you for 2 amazing years :)

Watch out design world, this girl has an adventure to go follow with a huge heart for design.

As I've been saying for the past 2 weeks, cheers to new adventures. Let's do this!

"Anak, you're gonna fall sometimes, but that's just life pushing you a little bit to be better and that's okay. After you get back up you make life your bitch and you push it back." - part of a conversation my amazing dad and I had last night <3 well said dad, well said :)

Here's a super big shout out excerpt I pulled from the first blog I wrote after week 1.

I couldn’t have done it without the amazing support system I have. Special thank you to my parents who basically told me to continue chasing my dreams and to focus on staying here in LA, Jourel who has since day 1 of my fall has kept me together, my awesome person for being absolutely supportive whether it was in a form of a shoulder to cry on or a cupcake, Peter, my old co-worker, for helping me launch my site in under 24 hours and having a fulfilling conversation about moving forward & my amazing roomate, Jordan, who at first notice said, “Let me know if you need food” by far one of the most heartwarming thing anyone outside the norm-support system has ever said — thank you all for the amazing support. And of course my gratitude extends out to the rest of my amazing friends who have been extremely supportive! 

Dear Future Krislam, 

You gun' be alright :) 

Present me.