Monday, July 22, 2013

In 7 weeks

Week 1 - Rebranded myself, got a website up & updated all my portfolio platforms. 
Week 2 - Braced myself and applied to 38 different places, in which only 2 of them replied. 
Week 3 - Applied to an agency and from there week 4-6 has been one amazing experience. 
Week 4-6 - I learned to art direct myself, speak to clients one-on-one, work in an actual studio, made relationships with clients that can last a lifetime, drove everywhere in LA, went on multiple interviews, met amazing people, did 2 case studies with quick turn arounds, managed my time, cried & cried some more, found myself as a designer & most importantly came out of all of this stronger
Week 7 - Got one of my projects published in a magazine AND… 
Got a job offer :) 
It has been the most amazing but terrifying 7 weeks of my life. I could never have thought this would happen to me and I’m so glad that it did. I am so glad that the fire was ignited under my butt to move forward cause I don’t think I would of done it for myself and I… couldn’t thank God more for this new opportunity, this new adventure. 
Thank you to E V E R Y O N E that has been supportive. 
Super huge thank you to: 
My parents & my sister, for being my backbone you guys mean the absolute freakin world to me and I couldn’t have done this without you guys. 
Jourel, for being the best friend that would sit there and hear me cry about how I couldn’t compress a file to fit 10mb to email AND all that was relevant in the last 7 weeks. Thank you so much Jaybird and you know I will be here for you when you can’t compress your videos to email :p
My person, for always telling me everything was going to be okay… for feeding me, for hugging me when things got really rough, for physically being there while I worked to the bone for my case studies. For staying positive and just being there for me… 
Jordan my amazing roommate, for helping with my case studies! Without her and her knowledge I wouldn’t be here ! And also for sharing her food! :) 
Peter, for referring me to the agency and sitting down with me to give me a pep talk and lots of encouragement in the first few days of unemployment and always rallying back to see how I was and keeping my creative juices flowing!
And last but not least, Lisa, my agent who has kept me going since day one and always thought about me whenever there was a new project. I owe you and your team everything :) 

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