Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Oh hello there! (Quick update!)

Hello world! I'm just taking a small break from work and what better way to do so than to update the adventure blog! It's only been about 3.5 weeks since my last blog post, wasn't too long ago, but tell me why I feel like it was almost a decade? Haha! The last 3.5 weeks has been nothing but opportunities on opportunities on opportunities!! It's like candy & Disneyland, BUT BETTER, actually I could use a Disney trip ... NONETHELESS, it's been sole evidence that my new adventure was so much more positive than it was negative. I just got off the phone with a client and I feel so proud saying that I'm a graphic designer. I don't just make things look super cool, no, I'm a creative problem solver and it hasn't been up until recent challenges where I really felt that I was a true designer. Yes, I can make things look epic & cute, but to be able build something from the bottom up is what makes graphic designing so much fun. Yes, it is absolutely terrifying at the thought that I am my own art director, but holy crap the feeling you get knowing that you went from nothing to something (even if it's a sketch on a piece of paper) is so fulfilling. I feel like I'm a pretty motivated person when it comes to my career, but I haven't felt THIS much motivation ever in my life, even the motivation from school doesn't come close to what it is now and I think that's mainly because the motivation in school was instilled by teachers, deadlines & most importantly good grades to graduate. Now it's on your own, and yes, while bills need to be paid  and should be used as a motivation most of it comes from within, from the heart - the passion. I don't mean to get all corny, but self motivation is hard to keep up when you're in an industry where the next designer has strengths that will trump the skills you have. But it's essentially on you to be like, "THE HECK, I'M GOOD TOO!" and from there... you challenge yourself & you learn and I definitely think I feed directly off challenges and learning new things. In a time such as now where you can learn almost everything off the internet what is there to lose? Especially in graphic design! Sigh* Sorry, I'm totally ranting now. I just feel really good because while the journey to becoming a talented, knowledgable and amazing artist is still a long while from now, it feels good to know that I'm headed in that direction and when I get there I know that there's is just so much more to learn :)

Okies, I'm done ranting... gotta finish work! Btw, this current project I'm working on IS KICK ASS...and I'm SO FREAKIN STOKED to show the world once it's finished. I'll list out details later... I don't want to jinx it!!

Dear future Krislam, you're killing it dude! I mean, yea it's tough BUT OMGAHHHH :)

'Till next time world!

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