Thursday, July 17, 2014

New Adventures & A New Me!

Image Source: Pinterest
It's obviously not news to anyone that I'll be moving in with Jay come August since I talk about nonstop. I remember at the beginning of July I was so excited for the month to be over, but now that we're pretty much mid-July all I want time to do is slow down a bit. I mean, don't get me wrong I am completely ecstatic. I'm just not looking forward for the actual move itself, but I mean who really is?

For the past couple weeks I have channeled in my inner girly self and started pinning so many things on Pinterest for my little corner. I realized that this would be the perfect time to start fresh! A lot of my stuff is either getting tossed or being shipped back home, so I really want this to be a reset button (especially since all my stuff will be outside in the corner, I have to keep tidy.) I also realized that there is definitely a lifestyle change that can potentially come with the new place. Here are a few things I aspire to do come August.

1. Plants. If I'm anything like my mom I might not be able to maintain any, hehe, but I really want to give it a go. I'm going to start fairly small, maybe something like mint? Or basil? I know those can grow a whole forrest, but if I can get just a tiny little leaf to sprout, I'd be a happy camper. Besides, having plants at your workspace really enhances work flow! I do love the idea of putting them in my little corner in my own little DIY kind of way, so hopefully it works out!

2. Eating Healthy. I already kind of do that. In fact, I spent a lot of April & May in a different world that was filled with strict diets and religious trips to the gym. My body really thanked me for that (and it kinda showed, hehe!) In June I pretty much slipped and I have my new medication to blame for that. BUT, I'm starting to get back on the health truck and hopefully come August I can fully implement that since I plan on giving myself a new kitchen set...oh, and I get my clean kitchen back. Or at least a clean table. Yay! Lots of home cook meals and salads on the way!

3. Cleaner Closet + Amp Up Wardrobe. Aye. This is definitely a discipline I will have to work on. I really suck at keeping my closet neat and tidy and shopping isn't anything I really like to do. But since working in a fashion company my eyes have opened up and I'm starting to gauge what my fashion style is. It's really more lazy-chic, if that's a thing? So...this will definitely take some time, but at least it in the works!

4. Motivated Designer. I can't express how badly moving in with 2 other designers will be so amazing for me. Back when I lived with Jordan my creative juices were always flowing, but lately it's been kind of stagnant. So with the new move I do hope to be more creative, motivate myself more to take on more challenges. Handletter, draw & read more. Overall, just be a productive designer and really push myself to make something of myself. I'm hoping for more freelance gigs, networking events & continuing to kick ass at work.

In the grand scheme of things, I really want a lifestyle change. Definitely more simple and more "boho-chic" and that means on all platforms. Work and life. I've even made changes to my IG and blog to make it more simple and clean. I'm crossing my fingers that this new move will make me a better person!

Chat soon Future Krislam, see you at the Creation Station!

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