Thursday, September 4, 2014

Hi, September!!

Hello September! Two things, 1. Holy crap it's September 2. I'm literally turning 23 in a month. Where has the time gone?! I'm finally settled in at Jay's and so far it's great. I was definitely scared moving in with him thinking that it would put a lot of stress on our relationship, but honestly it's like I just moved in with my best friend (not Jourel, of course...) but it really feels like I moved in with my other half. We definitely respect each others space, but come together for dinner or cute cuddle sesh's and binge watch/eat... I love it :) We're currently living alone right now, we're in the middle of transitioning between our 3rd roommate, and I really really like it :p Not that I don't love Lance or Michelle, but it's nice to go from 4 people in the house to 2. *Breather* However, it goes without saying that I'm pretty stoked to finally have Michelle in the house :) It's going to be an apartment filled with designers! So hooray!

As for me, I've been battling a cough for the last 3 weeks, without any's actually pretty strange. I'm still coughing here and there and it's just getting a little annoying now. I've been under a lot of stress too, financially. It's primarily because I had two apartments for the last two months and pretty much paying for both places in terms of rent and utilities. And of course, the "fun" that comes with being cheated out $150 at the end of it all. Whatever. LOL.

Apart from all the apartment stress, work has been pretty steady! JF is the usual, emails, name it. For freelance, it's been incredibly fun! I just finished a branding project with Crystal Small. I did her logo, business card & resume! With that, I gained a few more projects that deals with resumes (which I still need to finish). I have a few more things in queue. My main project right now is with POLB (Port of Long Beach) which is an infograph spread about the security over at the Port. It's. FREAKIN. AMAZING. Another printed spread in the books for moi! :) This project should be done by mid month if not definitely at the end. So stay tuned :)

That's all for now, I need to focus ! That and update every other social media platform out there! Haha!

Chat soon, future Krislam!

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