Tuesday, December 23, 2014


As of December 17, 2014 I officially made the decision to be anti-depressant free and while it’s really only been 5 days, it’s been 5 incredible hard days. I haven’t gone cold turkey. I have a medical regiment that I am following and my mid January I should be completely rid of medication :) The withdrawal process is probably the worst thing through this entire journey with PTSD (minus getting really chubby). Think of spinning in an office chair really fast for about 5 minutes, and now think of that feeling you get when you finally get off.. that’s me, for about 24/7…on top of that I constantly feel there’s a rock sitting on top of my eye. Gah! My thoughts are everywhere and I am become extremely exhausted from even the most mundane tasks.

A lot of people don’t take my illness seriously, so I let them be, but for the like 4 people in my life that do take it seriously, I am very thankful to them. Especially Jay. I feel like such a terrible girl friend for choosing his birthday week to make the decision, but it was better to start now while I have vacation for the holidays than to do it next year and start the year off with sick days and going home early.

I am so excited to be medication free, I just gotta hang in there.

Update later!

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