Sunday, July 24, 2011

Truly, Blessed.

I would like to take a minute and share how thankful I am for the opportunities that were given to me this past month and hopefully share some inspiring words to my future designers (or of course anyone trying to pursue a wonderful future)

I remember in the beginning of this month I was scared and nervous to the thought that I had just let go of my first job (which was also my comfort zone job) and taking on a seasonal job while waiting for the answer for my future.. dangling above my head for 3 torturous days. I went through so many emotional break downs when I thought I could end up being unemployed after my seasonal was up at Nordstroms...

Then on July 12, 2011, on a gloomy day in San Fran my life changed :]

After I received the LONG AWAITED phone call, suddenly the day didn't seem so gloomy anymore <3 So much stress was relieved off my shoulders, I was crying hysterically on the inside but held it in tight with a covered smile on my face that stretched from ear to ear.

Till this day, I was never able to find the words to explain how I felt that moment in time. By the end of the day and the days that followed this amazing moment...I finally found a word that could sum up my job hunt that started the day after graduation..


I am a very lucky person in this economy in the major that I am in to have found such an amazing job. I didn't even apply for this job which made me all around sooo much more blessed.. it's as if God laid his hand on my portfolio and blessed it leaving it to do all the talking.

I am extremely thankful for all the people that supported me the last 2 years and never gave up on me during those times of omg-i-suck-at-being-a-designer.. LOL

Thankful for my...

  • Wonderful parents who never doubted me as a designer and believed that I was an amazing-talented person and was sooo proud to be my parents.
  • Baby sister who always kept me sane and stayed up with me during my late nights working on portfolio.. always making me laugh with her amazing sense of humor.
  • Tonyface, who has been there the day I was accepted into FIDM to the day I switched my tassel from one end to the other.
  • MY AMAZING AND TALENTED GIRLS.. without them I would have NEVER been able to keep sane while in school. Those endless nights in the lounge.. Sleepless nights on Skype (though they lost more sleep than I did).. All worth it in the end and I couldn't have done it without them. 
  • All my amazing and talented classmates. We shared an amazing amazing amazing two years together, it's as if we created a small family and I am so thankful to have spent my time at FIDM with these kiddos
  • Wonderful Instructors & FIDM Faculty.. every single one of them..
  • My admissions advisor, Laura and my career advisor, Nonie. Wonderful ladies that have helped me through my life in FIDM
  • HR Manager at Nordstrom, Maliyd for being SO understanding about my future.
  • Aeropostale for giving me my first job and sharing 3.5 amazing years as well as being patient with me the last two weeks of my employment with their company.
  • Nordstrom for giving me a chance to work with them even though they knew I would only be with them shortly. 
  •  Hypothesis, for giving me the chance to start my new career.
  • And of course.. God. Though I may not be a religious person I still believe in God..and I do believe God was the reason why I ended up where I am now. Healthy, Happy & Blessed.

I am truly thankful.. for everything and everyone AND SO EXCITED to start this new adventure!

Always remember to work hard and believe in your work.. how you do anything is how you do EVERYTHING. 


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