Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Man, it's ben awhile since I've blogged. I apologize, I've been so busy I haven't had much "me" time and if I do it's usually spent on eating, reading or just resting LOL. I have much to update. I know me in the future, I'm not going to just read a block of text so I'm just going to bullet it ! :] Here it goes!

Oh but before that,

Happy July Everyone!! 

I know I'm like 5 days late haha, better late than never right?

  • For those who know where I work (or used to) I quit my job at Aeropostale on Saturday, I declared my resignation a week ago, and my last day was on Saturday. My initial intent was to leave because I'm not allowed to have two retail jobs (conflict of interest) and then come back in mid August or September, but then I thought it over and I think it's definitely time for me to spread my wings and pursue other career opportunities. Aero was a great starting point and has taught me so much, but it's definitely time to move on... I will miss everyone ^^

  • My new job, is at Nordstroms ^^ I am a seasonal cashier, which means I am temporary. I was realllly happy when I got a call from them saying that I was accepted to work during the summer, it's been a big change from Aero to Nordstroms, I love them both but they are so different in their own way. I've met some wonderful people at work, some of which I've made close friends with, hehe. My manager, Mylie is so amazing, I practically love her, seriously she is the greatest <3 hehehe.. she's the one who gave me my job and is also the HR person at Nordstroms, ahh she's great! Work is fantastic, I love it :] It sucks that it's only temporary, but who knows maybe I can apply for a more full time job, as well as actual sales (so I can make commission also, hehe) This job is really keeping me busy, I work about 30-38 hours a week and they keep me super busy on the floor, so I'm not just staring at my watch every other second. Oh, and the best thing about my position is that I'm what you call a "rover" so I don't have a dedicated department, I'm usually tossed around the second floor LOL it's awesome! I get to meet a lot of amazing people and become close to a few stylists..not only that but I learn the map of the store, which is always a plus ;] But yea, it's been great.. 

  • As far as my career job hunt, it's going well. I never really touched based with my last blog about the interview, it went really well (or so I thought ^^).. I have a call back this Friday, so I'm hoping it'll be good news! Because that would only be a bummer if they called me out to LA from Ontario just to say I didn't get it, BUT EITHER WAY, being able to have the opportunity to speak with them again regardless the matter, is a blessing :] So we'll see how that goes. In the event I do get this job, I will be.. THE HAPPIEST PERSON ON EARTH <3
But yea, other than that, not much is happening. I'm pretty busy this month which I am so happy about haha, I'm not wasting my summer :] But it's also a drag because I graduated about 3 weeks ago and I haven't really had any time to take a vacation. I've been on job hunts ever since, but I mean, that's a good thing, because if I wasn't on the pursuit for a job, I wouldn't be in the position I am in right now. 

Other things...

As far as Tony and I, we are fabulous, as always. Bickering here and there, but eh, we're awesome like that. I've been visiting him at his house, just hanging out watching shows on the hammock, staying out of the heat :] <3

I have a San Fran trip this weekend with le family + Tony.. pretttty stoked about that! I get to stay out of the SoCal heat (thank God) sooooooooo excited!!!! Not so much the drive, but.. just being able to go on vacation ! 

Oh and I've picked up a book to read too! And no, it's not a manga (although I am almost finished with Chobits!) but it's an old book that I read during high school and I'm just re-reading it just so I can remember what it's like. It's Mitch Albooms, "The Five People You Meet in Heaven" so yea I've been reading that.. LOL 

But yesm, ts all! Now I'm debating whether or not I should worry about what I'm wearing tomorrow or should I just read and then sleep.. 

I think we all know the answer to that. 

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