Friday, September 30, 2011

To great lengths.

My birthday is on Monday, Oct. 3. It is Sept. 30. Yesterday, Sept. 29 Tony brought me my early birthday present. But let's back up for a second, let's say about 2 hours? Okay, more like 24 hours.

So the day before I was in a really crummy mood, was just feeling under the weather ts all. But it caused me to get really mad at Tony, yada yada yaa. Then yesterday Tony and I didn't talk at all.. and the original plan was for him to come over to hang out with me since he will be leaving to Vegas today.. 

I get home and he's not there. Yea yea, I did tell him the night before NOT to come over but he never listens to me so I was expecting him home LOL. But.. he wasn't. So of course I was really sad/mad. I go over to my friends house and just vent.. in tears..and everything.. 

My phone rings and it's Tony, I ignore him. My phone rings again, it's Tony.. ignored. And again, my phone rings but this time it's Maggie. 

"Ate, Tonys here..."

I go back to my house and I'm absolutely mad at Tony .. I kept myself distant from him because I was furious. I see this smile on his face which makes me even more mad. After teasing me with anger, he finally busts out my beautiful birthday present..

My Michael Kors White Midsize Ceramic Watch with Glitz :]

Tony explained that when I had called him to yell at him he just dropped off a friend of mine who helped Tony get the watch and was on my way to my house.. Tony ran all over the world--city to city because all the Nordstroms that he went to were sold out of my watch...half a gas tank later.. he finally found the watch. Ironically it was at Brea Mall.. LOL

In a nutshell, Tony  purposely pissed me off just so that he can surprise me. What makes things better is that Tony and I aren't really materialistic with each other, so this year when we splurged on each other on our birthdays it made everything 1000000000x better :]

Anyways.. I love my boyfriend more than anything in this world ^___^ even my new watch hehehe.. 

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