Monday, November 28, 2011

I live for the City of Los Angeles.

Photo summary of my weekend. It tells a story, can ya tell!? And yes, lately I've had this obsession of making instagram collages LOL! 

(I know it's a lot to read, you don't have to, just enjoy the picture!)
For those who don't know, I love DTLA with a passion. I know it sounds a little cliché but I really do love the city. Everything about the it, from the lights, the commute & even the rowdy parts of it, I love it all. It would be my dream come true to finally be able to move out there, not necessarily on my own but definitely with a roommate who shares the same passion of the city like me. 

So rewind to last weekend, I decided to try out the company loft that in conveniently located in DTLA and just 5 min away from work to see how it would feel to live out there. I stayed for 3 nights (I know I know 3 nights doesn't justify the full experience of moving out, but it's better than nothing right!?) Although my time was short there, it was the most AMAZING 3 nights of my life (kind of over exaggerating but..whatever haha). And I'm not entirely sure if it's because of who I hung out with and kept myself busy OR just the fact that I was out in DTLA. Nonetheless, amazing amazing weekend. 

I guess I should just do a quick run down for my future self who will come across this one day when I'm finally moved into my own place :p

Thursday Morning - My GOODNESS was it A MORNING. Long story short, my amazing friend Cody toughened it out and helped me get my stuff out my car and carried my BIG-PINK Victoria Secret bag across the city TWICE, because I totally "lost my key". Not to mention we were late to work. LOL. So kuddos to Cody for sticking by. 

Thursday Night - It was a bit slow, still settling it and figuring out the place, BTW it was BEAUTIFUL! Cody texted me around 8 asking how I was doing and I told him that I was dying of boredom, than he offered to take me to his friends place "Mignon" - Winery/Cheese place. Oh. My. God. Everything about that place was AMAZING like, it was perfect. I had my first sip of Moscato and my goodness I am in love, the dessert was baked to perfection, sandwich was made from heaven, it was great.. so great LOL. Jhomar caught up with us later that evening, around 1am we decided to go home and Jhomar was a sweet one and took me allt he way up to the loft to make sure I didn't trip over something and died on the way up. HAHAHA. So major kuddos to Cody again for sharing a great night with me :]

Friday Night - Jhomar and I planned to go out, wasn't entirely sure what we were going to do, we kind of left the itinerary in the air -- Around 8pm he came to pick me up from the loft after coming home from his Art/Cartoon Convention and we took off to Little Tokyo. We had dinner at this small restaurant (can't think of the name right now) and again food was AH-MAH-ZING, but the portions were so SMALL. LOL. We ordered like 5-6 dishes and were still hungry, but it was delicious. After that we strolled around what was still open in Little Tokyo and went into little shops and explored. We ended up at this Crepe place called "Four Leaf[??]" and ate dessert, I covered dessert because he covered dinner ^__^ after that we went back to his place and he showed me around his loft, took me to the rooftop & then just sat on his balcony for the remainder of the night. Around 2am.. it was time for me to go back home.. again he took me home to make sure there wasn't any ghosts :p It was a pretty chill night, it was great to finally hang out with Jhomar outside of work! Yay Jhomar :]

Saturday Night - LOL, omg this night. I don't even know if I should go into detail about this night. It was the FIDM alumni gig, it was okay? not what I was expecting, but it's all good. AFTER that.. oh. my. goodness. LOL. Let's just say that I'm sure Cuc will never want to experience that again LOL. And I may never want to be in her shoes.. let's hope not x]]]

Sunday Morning was my last day there, I did a lot of cleaning and packing.. it was a sad sad gloomy day xDD it was even raining! Mother nature knew it was a sad day for me! AHA. Sigh* it was a great weekend.. finally got home and fell asleep. 

Like I said earlier, although my time was short it was definitely an eye opener for me. Sleeping on my own (which wasn't terrible at all, sleeping with the blinds open BEST DECISION EVER), cleaning up after myself more than usual, being a lot more responsible for my belongings..pretty much everything. I hardly contacted my parents because I really did want to see what it was going to be like without them there and it was kind of hard. I got home sick LOL which was pretty funny.. not sad..just got bored without my little sister around. HAHA.

It was definitely a good trial... and I wish I can do it again, but this time permanently. I have plans for 2012 to move out with my penpail Abby, she's awesome and I am (excuse my french) fucking excited :] 

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