Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Busy Weekend!

D'ah it's 12:30! I should be asleep because I have work tomorrow but I'm forcing myself to stay up and blog since it's been awhile. That and I'm pretty much on a sugar high right now so I'm not sleepy. I'll regret this in the morning, but oh well. So I just wanted to blog about my past weekend, it was so much fun :) Hung out with good company AND kept my spending to a minimum, kinda sorta x]

It all started on Friday --

1. The amazing women 2. Cody & Stitch 3. I love Amanda! 4. My toothbrush and I 5. The uo to my "D" (LOL that was lame) 
It was 5PM on Friday night, do you know what that means!? Happy hour! Spent the rest of my evening with my Hypothesis family at Octopus. Even though I'm still underage (and the only one) I was really really excited about the food, albacore sashimi with fried onion on top YUM! It was super chill and really fun. Good vibes, good times. We're trying to keep this a ritual as much as possible LOL.

Saturday! --

Hung out with my family all day :] We ventured out to DTLA for lunch and ended up at Engine No. 28 and the food was excellent. My dad had a Kobe Burger, my mom had Spaghetti w/Shrimp, Maggie had Ravioli and I was being a little bore and got a Salad, hehe, BUT I did get fries with them and ahhh, those were amazing! Everything was cooked to perfection and I'm glad my family enjoyed themselves.

Didn't get a picture of my dad's, he was already eating it.
My parents walking down the Promenade <3
Later that night we ended up in Santa Monica to walk around 3rd St. Promenade, it was my first time there and I was in love! It's basically like Victoria Gardens but 10x better. I love the street entertainment and the brands at the Promenade it really sets the mood. We enjoyed a delicious dinner at this little cafe in the corner where we all pretty much shared a cooked meal and a big heapin' plate of crepes! (customized to our order!) So delicious it's making my mouth water just thinking of it. We got home pretty late and we all basically knocked out after such an adventurous day.

Sunday! --

1. John and Tony bromancing 2. Boiling Crab!! 3. Admission ticket to TET Festival 4. John's lobster! 5. Entrance to TET Festival
Sundays are usually dedicated Tony days, depending on which week it is we usually alternate on who goes to who's house. This week, it was my turn to go visit the Quach family. We (John came to!) ended up going to the Chinese New Years Festival in Westminster. It was definitely an experience, it wasn't exactly the type of festival I was expecting since all I saw was vendors and food. For some reason I pictured dragons, Chinese music playing, people dressed up, you know things that you'd expect at a Chinese New Years Festival but it's all good. I still had a lot of fun, John won a lobster, so I stole it. Hehe. After that we were craving boiling crab and YES we did wait 2 hours to eat it LOL. I had 3 lbs all to myself! Let's just say I can't really look at a clam right now without feeling dizzy. The boys had their share of food (1lb of shrimp/clams) We were so full it was disgusting, but oh so delicious. Soon after that we hung out with Mr. and Mrs. Marc for about 10 minutes then left because I had to get home.

And yea --

That was my weekend, I had a lot of fun. I wish all my weekends were filled with this many adventures! But at the same time I do like some down time.. hehe. I think this weekend will definitely be a breather weekend. Alrighty, starting to feel sleepy and I know for a fact that sleeping late will bite me in the butt in a little bit. .

Till next time!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Welcome 2012

Happy New Years everyone! I know 18 days late, better late than never right?! In all seriousness, we all know (or should know) I blog on my tumblr a lot more than my blogger because I have more viewers there, hehe. But I have some downtime right now, I should be looking for something to wear tomorrow, but EH.

Just wanted to update my blog since the last time I updated it was last year (BUM-DUM-CLASH!)

Today I celebrate my 6th month with Hypothesis (throws streamers and balloons in the air) it has been quite the experience and I loved every second of it. I honestly couldn't picture myself working anywhere else other than Hypothesis. My co-workers are awesome, I love them! Especially my supervisors! There hasn't been a day that's gone by where I've woken up and said "I don't want to go to work" because in all honesty, I really do love my job and that's just not kissing ass (because who will read this? I doubt anyone from work will..) and I'm excited to continue growing with the company and learning from my awesome directors!

Tony and I are still going strong, we just celebrated out 3Y8M this past weekend, pretty bad ass we're going to hit 4 years quite soon! How exciting :] He's still working at frys and recently got promoted so he's getting commission on top of his already hourly wage, wee, go baby :] I don't see him as often (once a week) so that's quite the bummer but we try to keep up via text. It's all good, soon enough we'll be living together.. AHHH! Lol jk :]

As for me, still working.. been thinking about school and how much I want to go back but then also thinking about moving out and how much both of them would be a financial strain on me.. not to mention being a full time student would mean bumping down to part time at work and I don't want that =[ but we'll see what's in store for 2013, right now I just want to focus on my career and gain experience :]

Other than that, all is well. Family is still super mega awesome and little sibling is still smart.

Well, gotta go figure out what I'm wearing tomorrow! Till next time blogger!