Monday, October 1, 2012

Meet my dog, Dottie.

And well - she’s does absolutely nothing. BUT she knows how to shake hands :]

I started to get a little home sick so I decided, "I'm going to steal Dottie" and so I did! It's been 2 weeks and the first week it was hard for her to adjust to the city being that she is so suburbanized but she ended up getting used to everything. At first it was hard for her to get on the elevator but now she totally strolls into it like nothing and it makes me such a happy human :] She's also learned not to bark, knows when to go to the bathroom, jump into her bean bag chair (that's a whole other story) & just be a great studio/loft dog. I love her :]  I'm so glad she's here! Apart from her company she gives me a reason to wake up early in the morning and get my workout in. I love you, Cow :] Oh and the roomies totally love her! :]

Happy human with her cow becoming a downtown pup! :]

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