Thursday, October 25, 2012


This is me currently. I woke up from my nap over 2 hours ago and drank some coffee to wake me up to start my night session of creativity. Usually during these sessions (whether night or day) I like to sit down and submerge myself into books/magazines/articles of SOMETHING... tonight's session? Drawing & cursive writing. So yea, just spent the last 2 hours practicing the two :] Anyways that's not what this blog is about but I guess this is a good start? Yes? Haha.

Updates updates...hmm. Honestly I'm flabbergasted that it's freakin October 25... it was JUST my birthday. Gosh time flies by so fast ! Then it's Thanksgiving and then CHRISTMAS! :] Ack! I'm so excited! This will be my first Christmas away with my family T_T however on a more positive note this will be my first Christmas with roommates! We're pretty stoked about getting a tree and decorating the crap out of our studio!

By the way, did I mention how much I love my roommates? Yea. I do.

Okay, I'm straying away from the main topic of this blog.


Work is amazing as always, lately I've been feeling more confident in my work and I'm pretty happy about that. Before I used to design something and have to fall back on Cody or Jhomar and NEED the feedback because I didn't feel too confident about what I had just designed but now I find myself designing something and just passing it on for critiques. In a sense, I feel like they don't need to hold my hand. I also found myself being able to conceptualize a lot better and honestly I'd have to thank the amount of clients that we have. I literally bounce from Disney Baby to Starbucks to Hot Wheels within weeks of turnarounds with a very tight deadline so the amount of brainstorming for a normal project (which is how many weeks?) turns into a day if not a couple hours and I'm really grateful for that type of work, I know that in the long run it'll make me a great designer. Being able to think on me feet so to speak :]

I've also noticed the amount of bonding that the Wolfpack is having, that or I'm just thankful for the people I work with. Cody is an amazing designer with so much freakin talent that it makes me not want to go back to school because I already have a teacher every single day for 8 hours to learn from. Jessica is kind of like Cody but in a woman form, she too, is amazing. Her print/layout blows me away almost all the time and she makes outstanding wedding invitations. She's also a very intelligent person, I feel if I ever ask her a question she ALWAYS has the answer. Overall she's just great to be around..also it took the load off being the only girl on the team :P Jhomar is and always will be my first design supervisor so I'll always respect him for what he's taught me in my first year... he's also become a very good friend of mine.. (and neighbor) and he too can teach me so much but not in graphics but in other be honest he's the reason why I've been disciplining myself to learn how to draw better... something about seeing his photos at The Coffee Bar/D&D (also seeing his sketch book) made me realize that there's so much to learn and he never stops wanting to learn and I totally love it. SO WHAT I'M SAYING IS... I have the best co-workers, the end.

Tony and I are wonderfuuuul :] Our love has never been stronger and I love him more and more everyday. You can see our blog here:

My family, well my family is far away now but it seems as if everything is still great. I miss the SH*T out of them. I'm still not use to not being able to see them, it really sucks to be honest :/ I really miss Saturday breakfast at the counter eating my dads cooking. Sigh* BUT it's a part of growing up. Knowing that they're only 30 min away makes me feel better and if anything there's always Skype/text/phone calls but still not the same. I miss my sister the most, I feel like I'm missing out on a lot of my sister milestone in high school and not being able to watch her grow basically kills me but I try my best to still be there.. ugh <3 I miss her. I'm going to steal her one day to spend the weekend with me hahaha. Dottie too, I miss that long body short legged cow. Egad! I just miss my family.

As for me, I'm just trying to keep myself busy at work and when I'm not there I try to stay productive but I do allow some resting time cause I obviously don't want to burn myself out. I'm thinking of re-vamping my brand. I feel like little 'ol Krislam in the yellow shirt with the cute colors surrounding her NEEDS-TA-GO... so I am working with other designers (Peter Deltondo) to re-vamp my website...but of course I need to think of how I want to brand myself and we all know how easy that is *wink* x]


Living here in LA has definitely changed me for the better, I know that's early to say being that it's only been a month but I mean that's saying something. I feel a lot more independent and just overall a damn grown up. I mean bills, rent, dental insurance... GAH! I remember being so young and wanting to be a grown up and now all I wanna do is just play with play-doh and watch TV, jk no I don't. But seriously I'm thankful every day for the life that God has given me and well I'm trying my best not to make many mistakes HAHA :D

Anyways, this is a long post that I had initially intended to be in a bulleted format haha. The roomies are asleep now so I should probably clean up and head back to my spot. LIGHTS OUT! :D Not really... I just don't want to be the reason they can't fall asleep.

Till next time world!

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