Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Sitting alone in the cafeteria.

It's been a year since I stepped into the grown up world and found myself surrounded by intelligent and creative people. I always think to myself how blessed I am to be around these certain type of people to feed me knowledge I can later use in life. But what I also learned is how "not in" I am with the crowd.

The thing is, I always felt like a little outcast but I know that I'm not, but I wasn't always the one sitting with the cool kids at school in fact it was the complete opposite. I always felt like the kid that sat alone, out of the loop and uncool because I'm not hip in pop culture or I tend to stumble over my words or even walking around with just an AA degree is arts, making me feel...well...dumb and uneducated.


Growing up my parents tried to do everything in their power to give me the best but at the same time very much restricted my abilities and ways to venture out into finding out new things. HECK, I didn't even feel independent till I hit FIDM and even then I only knew design and JUST design.

Now, I've met some really great people and listen to their stories about going out to different states, reading certain books, keeping up with politics, watching all the movies that come out...etc. etc.

And well, I'm the girl who came from a little town in the suburbs that went to a college that didn't necessarily embrace the same amount of freedom and "college" life and basically lived a simple life. Yes I do have hobbies and yes I do have ambitions to do more but I feel like I'm not up to par with todays lifestyle...

I don't know, it's just a random thought that I've been dwelling on upon learning how not in tune I am with the world :/

Maybe I just have different interests? Different views? Different hobbies...

Not sure but sometimes I like to sit alone, it's what makes :]

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