Monday, November 19, 2012

Before I fall asleep!

Came back from a hectic weekend. Went home on Thursday and spent the night at my parents and then spent another night at Tony's. Jumping from city to city (granted they're all within 40 mi.) has me all pooped out. But I just wanted to jot down some new updates through a bulleted list. I know I know, it's very unusual for me to be using bullets, but as you can see it's been quite some time since I last updated... heck, last time I updated was the beginning of November...the fact that it's November 19th is scary. Here it goes!

  • I am an Android user now !
  • The walls are finally complete, well sorta..just need to put the beams and the curtain.
  • I'm starting to get a hang of this whole budget thing.
  • My moms birthday just passed! Yay happy birthday mom!
  • Watched Breaking Dawn 2 and basically bawled my eyes out.
  • My mom loves Twilight, I've taught her well <3
  • Caught up with Deshawn & Alysia this past month, yay! 
  • I think Tony's mom is in love with me, so I'm pretty glad about that.
  • Our studio is finally looking like a home and not to much a construction zone.
  • Needless to say, I hope in 2 years I can be on my own.
  • Tony and I have been spending more time together and I LOVE IT
  • Work is kicking ass... or I'm kicking ass.. yee!
  • Need to get this Richwood gig out the door.
  • I have a photoshoot this month
  • Oh, I'm collaborating with other artists on this new project. Stay tuned.
  • Visited Mr. Dahms on my vacation and missed his class dearly <3
  • Went to Disneyland today (or yesterday)
  • Oh yea, pass is going to expire in less than a month  -- NOOOOOOOOO!!
Uh, that's all for now. I promise to have a more elaborate post soon!

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