Monday, February 25, 2013

[Bucket List] Snowboarding!

That's right ladies and gentlemen! I went snowboarding and I have Miss Jessica Luong to thank for that. The trip was spontaneous and absolutely amazing! We went to Mt. High in Wrightwood, which is only 30 min away from my parents btw. I couldn't help but get really giddy when I laid eyes on snow after almost 10 years a part of me really wanted to build a snow mound and dive in, but I restrained myself x]

Long story short, I admit I was a little scared so Jessica took me to the super bunny slope where I discovered after many painful falls that it was far more beneficial for me to practice on an actual slope cause the bunny slope was so flat! So Jessica took me to a more "intermediate" slop where I basically learned everything after one shot. Of course I was absolutely terrified cause I took so many falls at the bunny slope, but I grew a pair and went for it.

I should probably back up and mention that Jessica wanted to take me to the more advanced slope, but then I got scared and went on the bunny slope instead. However, after I got a little more confident with  my board I decided to go on it even if I wasn't 100% prepared. I knew that I would hate myself if I didn't go down the slope. Go big or go home!

As I stood at the top of the slope I looked down and saw nothing but white at the horizon, it was SO beautiful but extremely steep. I took a deep breath and went for it and it was the best 15-20 minutes of my life. Going down the slope was by far the most peaceful moment I've had in a long time GRANTED I was scared for my life and burning up at the calves/thighs. I decided to take a break towards the middle and just sat and stared at the view, did I mention how beautiful it was? Finally it was the last part of the slope where it got EVEN steeper, but at this point what else could I do? As I got further down the slope it also got warmer meaning the snow got softer. After about 15 minutes of pure success my board freaks out and gets caught in the soft snow and I face plant it, HAHAHA. I found myself giggling because it took me up until the end where I finally ate it, ate it hard too, hehe.

I got back up and finished the slope still standing :)

Fast forward to 2 days later, oh my goodness, I am beyond sore. BUT it's a good kind of sore, nom'sayien?

I want to go back already hehe, but I knew I should give myself some time to stop being sore LOL. I'm also extremely tempted to buy my own gear, AHHH, I know I shouldn't but it's so close and so tempting! But I will hinder from spending money... doesn't mean I don't want to go though, hehe.

Can cross that off the bucket list! Woo :)

Till next time world!

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