Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Checking In

Hello world! Checking in from Starbucks! Finally had a little time to sit down and catch up with future self. First off, I just want to mention how much my life has changed over the course of the last two months. How I would even begin the story is beyond me, but let's just say most if it was for the better. I'm much more focused with work/design and just want to venture out and lear/ do so many things. It's crazy just how much there is to learn out there and how little time I have, it's so crazy! I've enrolled in two classes, nothing too big, it's experienced designers sharing tips & tricks with projects and deadlines.  I enrolled in these classes so I can hone in on my focus in design, illustration. I can't express enough how much I want to get better at illustrating! Parallel to that I also want to get better at handlettering, it's so much fun. It's kind of therapeutic and the study of type is so interesting. At work it's busy as always but I'm loving every second of it. I don't think I can ever express how thankful I am to be where I am now and I'm hoping and praying it's only the beginning :) My family is doing well, I've been able to see them almost every weekend for the past month and it's been fun. However, I did tell myself I would take a break, I need to embrace the city a little more x]

Okies, that's all for now.. I need to jump on some things I need to finish before the end of the night. That and Starbucks is closing... and I need to pee.

Sorry this post is all over the place!!

Till next time World! :)

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