Monday, April 1, 2013

Sans Wisdom Teeth

I know, I'm terrible at this blogging thing -- Forgive me future self!


Last weekend I had the pleasure of getting my bottom two wisdom teeth extracted. As much as I want to sit here and say how brave I was during the entire procedure would just be all lies. I admit I was terrified for days before surgery, so much so that I lost some sleep over it and come to the actual procedure... well let's just say I had to cry for my mom -- a little. Of course I'm not going to bag on the dentist and her ways of operating but I feel like there could of been a little more heart taken into consideration when handling the head that was still attached to the rest of my body.

Long story short, it took about 5 bottles to numb me on my right side and about 15 or so on my left. Yea, that happened. Procedure lasted less than 10 min and I was out the door! (Course numbing me took about 45 min, LOL) The pain wasn't entirely excruciating until I got an infection on my right side. Till this day, now day 9, my right side still hurts and I'm still dependent on Ibuprofen during the day and Vicodin during the night. But I'm happy to say that I'm glad they're finally out and I'm healing quite alright.

I really really hope that my top wisdom teeth don't plan on ever coming out or else I'd be really sad to have to go through this again.

Worse part of the entire thing? How much blood was spewing out of my mouth after surgery AND the amount of medicine I'm on AND the side effects. Killer --- thank you mom for such an amazing immune system (that's sarcasm, btw)

OH -- and the fact that I couldn't eat anything. Worst. Part. Ever.


Otherwise, I didn't mind looking like a chipmunk for awhile :)

Here's a look at my puffay cheek progression LOL, you can obviously tell when I had to go back to the dentist for an emergency check up. HAHA -- 

 Here I am present day! :) My right side still hurts, but again yay medicine. No more puffay cheeks though !

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