Sunday, October 27, 2013

Update on updates!

Hello world!

Checking in from Caffe Benne! Quite possibly one of the coolest coffee shops here in DTLA. I think I’m going to make it a thing to come here often. The coffee is delicious and the waffles are fluffed to perfection!

I keep thinking that it’s been months since my last post only to realize that it’s only really been two weeks. I guess you can say I’m getting better at this whole blogging thing. Right? Maybe? I’ve been incredibly busy the last couple weeks, I’m not entirely sure how I was able to blog but I’m glad I did, haha.

So as I said, checking in from Caffe Benne! I figured I should take the time and fully update future self with how things are going and what a better time to do it than the present – down time. **sigh** (As a warning: This is probably going to be a long post considering I have limited access to any wifi and typing this in word. Future me will either hate or love me for that and if it’s not the latter then, get over it future me.)

I’m 22. Let’s start with that. I heard that after 21 it goes by pretty fast, so I’m pretty prepared to take in as much as I can. I have to admit that turning 22 didn’t really have much of an effect on me other than knowing I’m another year closer to being able to rent a car should the necessity ever present itself.  I guess that’s what everyone means by your 20s “going by pretty fast” – you just don’t feel it! Eek. Oh well, one day at a time Krislam, one day at a time! Although, I’ll be the first to admit that it is already October 27, 2013 and I could of sworn I turned 22 all of like…yesterday. How is it almost black Friday and/or Christmas. Oh, Christmas, how my wallet is not prepared for you. Oh well.

Enough yammering about how I am quickly aging and not even conscience about it. I hit my 90th day at work this past week!! Technically it would be on November 6, but I already received my review so I consider it to be my 90th day. I cannot fathom that it’s already 3 months. I honestly love every aspect of my job! From the culture to the endless amount of food that is circulated around the department – it’s unbelievable. I already feel so close to everyone who was once brand new co-workers. They’re starting to become a family and I wouldn’t want it any other way.

I’ve learned so much in the last 3 months and I can’t wait to see what the upcoming months have in store for me. It’s definitely a 360 from my previous job, but I feel that it’s a tremendous opportunity and so many doors will open for me. I’m also freelancing which is a learning experience in its own. I never thought that I would find myself having to balance a full time job and freelance.  Freelancing is going really well, I enjoy working with all my clients and establishing a professional relationship with them. Future me, I hope that around this time next year your clientele list is far greater than what you have now, make that happen future me!

I have internet now! Oh the distraction. I’m also palpitating from this delicious sugary food. On that note, I’ve been palpitating more than usual and that’s starting to become quite the concern for me, I’ll keep on eye out that.

I just figured out I want to blog about something else – ha! So I’ll check back in later future me. There’s a few things you have on your mind about certain topics that you should probably get out now. Cheers to your 90th day J

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