Saturday, November 9, 2013

Hello November! [Update]

I have dance class in an hour and while I should be using the time to hang up the amass of laundry on my bed, I'm going to sit here and update my blog instead. Starting the weekend off right!

So hello November! Here's what I've been up to...

First and far most, we got a puppy! We, as in the girls of the household. Her name is Wookie! She is a Dachsund/Chihuahua. Head of a weenie dog, legs of a Chihuahua. She runs around with her long legs and makes a mess on several occasions, but hey, she's all of 8 weeks in and her sense of right and wrong is still developing - love her to death...sometimes, ha!

Stolen from Jay - Sorry! I didn't get a photo of them that day.
Cody and Blake got married!!! It was a beautiful ceremony! I cried and cried and cried some more. Blake and Cody will forever be my favorite couple and I wish them nothing more than eternal love and endless coffee dates. Did I mention that I got to see Cody cry? Yep :) Jay and I went together and spent an amazing weekend in SB - photos will be up shortly. I took most of them on a disposable and are currently in the process of being developed! 

I was a ninja for halloween. YUP! My entire costume was designed by none other than Michelle Hebert. The original concept had a red accent, but let's be honest, red? No, more like yellow. Thank you Michelle for making me look stealthy. 

Close up on the details! 

Jay and I went to Comikaze and set our inner nerd out to play. It was a last minute trip and definitely worth it. Best part? It was only $25, which is so much cheaper than AX (but of course, I could never really compare the two. Fact is, it was cheap, local and cheap. I got a really cool monster jacket and an SF4 tshirt! (After I told myself I wouldn't spend money - ha yea right!) 

Not sure if it's ever going to be said out loud, but I'll go ahead and say it. Jay and I go and explore new coffee shops all over the city. I don't know if that's ever the intention, but it's happening and I enjoy it :) Usually when we go, we try out the coffee/desserts and do our own thing. I work on freelance and he, actually I'm not sure what he does, but I'm sure it's productive - ha. Cheers to weekend coffee getaways! Caffe Bene is so far my favorite since The Loft is a tad bit crowded and Stumptown has very little seating and their coffee is lethal weapon to my heart (coffee so good, but oh so strong for my heart, LOL!) 

Treated myself to a little somethin' somethin'  hehe - I finally got a new tablet! My Vistablet started to die on me :( I literally had to wrap it around my monitor so that the wire would be pulled a certain way to work. I know, ghe-tto. Thank you Vistablet for 5 productive years, you helped me get through college, my first job & tons of freelancing! But helllloooooooo Wacom Intuos Pro, I am going to have tons of fun with you. 

And speaking of Wacom fun, here is my first "official" attempt at illustrating on Photoshop. When I went to Comikaze I ran into an illustrator (I need to find his name, LOL) and his work inspired me and so I asked him a few questions, one being, "How long did it take you to get this good?" "A long time, lots and lots of practice, so don't worry if you don't think you're good yet, cause even I have a lot to improve upon" I was all, BUT YOU'RE SO GOOD! His response, "Not good enough. Practice, practice, practice!" Thank you sir! Ultimately, that begged the question of, "Krislam why are you so afraid to draw?" Why am I so afraid to draw? Answer? Because for some reason I have this idea in my head that drawing well is a gifted talented. That you are born with the skills, and while that may apply to some people, I have ran into numerous designers/illustrators who showed me work from previous years and admitting that they used to be terrible (yea, right!) but that inspired me to start drawing. So lately, I've been getting up early in the morning to just draw. Draw anything! Mostly figures because that's where I struggle the most and within the first two sessions I was already finding the mistakes I had been doing for the past how many years I've attempted to draw! It also helps that I'm being challenged at work to draw and I'll eventually put those up here, but take my word for it! There are tons of projects at work that scare me when it comes to drawing, but I take it as a challenge and I kill it! And I couldn't be happier :) I'm also pretty content with this piece because it's a style that I have been try to achieve for the longest time. 

Close up on the detail! Btw, and I'm sure this is pretty self explanatory, but uh, that's me being utterly delighted with the launch of the holiday cups at Starbucks! 

Speaking of work - Things are going AMAZING. I couldn't be happier with the way things are going! I'm taking on challenges that I never thought I would take and it's helping me grow as a designer! 

With said challenges comes this wonderful opportunity I was presented at work. I can't show the finished product yet, but the most I can tell you is that it involved rebranding and packaging... OH and hand lettering... UH AMAZING RIGHT?! Can't wait to show the world :) 

Me hiding a huge smile at work!

Overall, life has been such a blessing - good and bad things. I can't express how happy I am with my life, but just know I am thankful for every second it :) 

Off to dance class! 

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