Thursday, June 26, 2014

Big Steps: Krislam moves to The Creation Station!

You read that right! I am saying farewell to 323 and saying hello to The Creation Station. It's been quite the discussion between le beau and myself and we have finally come to the conclusion of living together. What a big step right? RIGHT?! It's crazy. We will be living at his current place as well as housing a 3rd roomie, Michelle. It's going to be an insane transition for me and I know that Jay and I are both nervous as hell, but I am trying to be as optimistic as possible. This move will take place by the end of this month. My new lease will be overlapping with my soon to be expiring current lease. Meaning, I'll have two active leases x_x eeek! But I see it as a blessing. Granted, Jay only lives two floors down but with such a long window this assures me that I can easily transition to his place and not put everything in a bag and move downstairs. Woo! 1 month to go... Got lots to prepare for :)

Wish Jay and I goodluck! Hopefully we don't kill each other :p

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