Monday, June 16, 2014

Braces...Do Over!

Hey World (and future me)! I got braces…again!
I originally had braces from 2005 - late 2008, so well over 2.5 years. So a lot of people have been raising the question “*le gasp* Krislam! Your teeth were already straight! Why did you get them again?!” 
Two answers…
When I was younger, my orthodontist apparently dismissed to inform my parents that I would need extra work done on my teeth because I have two tiny little on each side of my two big teeth that causes the rest of my teeth to shift over. Instead of filling them in they just squished them together. So now, we’re basically giving space on each side to fill them in so I don’t look so dorky anymore. Project bye bye toothy!
I also neglected to wear my retainers when I got my braces off so my teeth just started dancing all over the place and that’s a huge no no. Oh annnd my top K9 was hitting the bottom neighbor tooth and that started to hurt, so also a no no.
At the end of the day, it’s a personal preference. I care a lot about my smile so re-investing in my teeth is something I’ve been wanting to do, and what a better time than now! :) So going into 23 avec braces then 15 months later, 24 sans braces! 
It’s only 15 months, it’s going to by so quick. So I’ll look hideous now… but just you wait until 15 months :) *cheeeeeese* 

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