Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Mid August Update!

[*Post update - I did talk about Alfred in my last post, LOL, oops, well...you get to see him again.]

I can't even with how fast time is running right now. Could have sworn August just started. It's okay 2014, it's not like I wanted to hang out with you or anything. LOL.

But alas, we are in the middle of August already and things are well, things are fine. Well, they're not just fine, things are actually spectacular. I'm 99.9% moved into Jay's place now, with the exception of a few things till lingering in my old apartment. But whatever I really need is already here. I have a small garden that I can look at from my desk. I think my mint is already dying and it hasn't even been 24 hours yet. Sigh* but my smaller flower pots are blooming just fine! Well, this yellow guy can use some help, but I know he's been neglected since I've seen him at Trader Joes for the last two weeks. Don't you worry little guy, I got you!

Work has been good. It's been pretty steady, collections & emails on the daily. I'm really excited for this upcoming project I have with my Creative Director. I took on a role to illustrate for one of our October collections well knowing that this type of illustration is a little out of my league. Nonetheless, I am super stoked...and to be honest, a little nervous. But I know this is a good challenge for me.

As far as freelance goes, it's pretty good. Been doing a lot of probono projects to keep me going here at work and to fill up my portfolio. Lately, I've been focusing my time on brand-identity projects for friends along with my very own brand-identity. I have a lot of things in store, so stay tuned :)

Family is good, we're going to see a concert this weekend at The Hollywood Bowl. It'll be my first time going there and my moms first concert so we're excited!

Boyfriend and I are doing splendid. I'm not sure if I already uploaded a picture of Alfred, but uh, he got a puppy. So by association, we have a puppy. He is literally the cutest thing in the world. I just want to gobble him up! He's a Boston Terrier with two different colored eyes! How rude of me, there isn't a single picture of Alfred anywhere on my blogger!


I know, freakin, adorable.

As for me, I am good. I'm just letting life go by and keeping myself busy with work and fun things -- the usual. I'm looking forward to the holidays :) I know, random.

That's all for now, I need to get ready for work. By the way, I got a t-shirt that says "I love waffles." YUP.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

To 1 Fabulous Year!

Today I celebrate my 1st year here at JustFab! I can't believe how fast this 1 year has gone! I am beyond blessed & grateful for being here. My directors have pushed me so hard to become a stronger and better designer. They helped me conquer a lot of my fears of branching out of my style and really getting me out my "cute" world. Their full support in allowing me to continue my education, whether it's workshops or online classes, have helped me develop into the designer that I am today that I honestly wouldn't have ever thought I'd be just a year ago. Thank you so much JustFab and thank you to all my family & friends for your support in all my career endeavors, both good and bad! :) Cheers to another fabulous year!