Tuesday, October 21, 2014

I am 23.

I turned 23! I’m pretty much 18 days late, but yea, I turned 23! I also had a birthday party which is a little out of the norm because if you’ve known me for the past how many years, you’d know that I’d pretty much have a panic attack at the thought of combining my different group of friends under one roof. But I did it, it happened and it was great :) 

But let’s back track for a minute shall we?

Annual blog about my birthday is a go! 

00:00 Oct. 3 — Jay gave me a cupcake (coconut from Sprinkles, my favorite!) and lit a candle. It was a tiny celebration, but it was one of my favorites. I was allowed to open 1 of 3 of my presents. And to my surprise they were brand new Target duckie slippers. Alfred pretty much killed my old sock monkey ones. I mean, they were already good to go as is, but he took it upon himself to really destroy them. Ergo, the new slippers. I love them so much! 

Birthday at JustFab — I have to admit that if there is one thing that JustFab is good at, it’s making you feel loved… especially on your birthday. I walked in and my desk looked like it was dipped in yellow paint. It. Was. Beautiful. My team also surprised me after stand up (daily quick meeting) with a WAFFLE BAR. Literally, a bar filled with waffles and waffle ingredients. It was the greatest thing to ever happen to me. My team and I filled up packed those toasters, abused our topping rights & devoured our waffles! So good :) My birthday card was a giant post it note. They know me so well *tear* I loved it. I loved everything and I love my team so much! <3

Pre-Birthday Dinner — I came home and I saw the cutest thing in my whole entire life. Jay decorated our studio with sun flowers and yellow balloons and right when I opened the door I was greeted by Alfred attached to a yellow balloon! Or, well, rather a balloon was attached to him. I nearly dropped to my knees of almost dying in over saturated cuteness. 

Birthday Dinner — I had an affair. A Food Affair that is ;] Jay took me to this really super cute hole in the wall French restaurant called “A Food Affair”. Let me tell you, the food was on point! I had a seafood dish and I swear the seafood was so fresh it tasted like it was just caught out of the ocean. Jay had duck and oh my goodness, might I say it was a fine duck. The sauce, the tenderness, the ugh, the everything. So delicious. Portions were on the smaller side which I expected from a French restaurant which is why we decided to order appetizers. We were ballsy that night and we enjoy our first plate of escargot. Yep, snails. We ate snails (for the first time). And what did we learn from eating snails? THAT IT’S FREAKIN DELICIOUS. I had to admit that it was drenched with this to-die-for garlic sauce, but needless to say, it was still great. I’d eat it again…and again…and again. We completed our meal with a warm apple pie and coffee. 
Birthday Party — PARTY DAAAAY!! Okay wait, before I get carried away. Let me just say… my morning was rough. I almost punched my boyfriend and best friend. SO THEY DECIDED… to make me breakfast, or well Jay tricked me and said he would make me breakfast and that I would have to stay inside our room. AN HOUR GOES BY and I am the most anxious bug in the world. Borderline needed my medicine to calm me down. I was getting so angry, throwing a tantrum and just railing to my best friend via text. Only to find out that THIS GUY had taken part of it too! Long story short, after being locked up in a room for almost an hour, I was finally called out by my roommates. I open the door and… to my surprise…there’s the coat rack I’ve been wanting from the container store for the last two years. On the coat rack there was a huge kraft paper bag filled with goodies. I step out so I can hug my coat rack… Jourel then decided to scare the living shit out of me and the surprise was out. I hate Jourel. But I also love him to death. He made me breakfast… and bought me a waffle maker. Which I then found out that Jay had also bought me a waffle maker (2 of 3). So guess who has two waffle makers?! This girl :D 

So after breakfast, we went around and ran errands. Grabbed balloons, photoshoot fabric, food, boba…all that good stuff… and it was…HOT. Ugh, the weather was stupid. We got home and we cleaned up like crazy. Got ready and BAM…party time :) SO MANY people showed up. I was so overwhelmed with happiness… to the point where I almost got fairly emotional cause so many new and old friends came by. Even my cousins showed up! So I had a good crowd of people around to share the love. Michelle also invited her friends, after all, it was also her house warming party :) And of course, Jay brought his friends too. So the company we had over was definitely on point and I loved every single person that walked through that door. Some people came and went and other stayed the entire night. The party started roughly around 7:30 and ended at 12… I was in bed by 1am. I was…a very happy camper. I was so afraid that the party would reach up till like 3-4am… but it didn’t…and again… KO’d by 1am? And not hungover? YES. I actually didn’t drink very much. I was too busy hosting and catching up. OH YEA… there was a photobooth. A DIY photobooth… it was… literally the life of the party. I’m looking forward to many more parties, just so that I can make more photobooths. I bought props, made cut out beards/glasses/hats. It was great. The party was amazing. I was… such a happy birthday girl. Thank you to everyone who came out :) 

This was my first birthday that I didn’t really get to see my family cause I was in LA. But we did celebrate with dinner and I want nothing more than to be with my family. They’ve always been and always be my muse, my everything. I felt their extra love all the way from Ontario on the night of my birthday. My dad was texting me all day, sending me digital flowers, telling me how happy he was when he first met me. My mom of course, sending a paragraph via email about how I’m a grown woman and how she remembers how tiny I was… making me all sappy and mushy *tear* and how can I forget.. Maggie… sending me one of her infamous ugly faces and greeting me with a baby sister message that makes me so happy to be her big sister <3

Overall, turning 23 was another blessing in my life and I am thankful for every year that passes that I get to live my life. I definitely felt loved and cared for and I wanted nothing more than to be surrounded by the people that made me feel that way and I think my 23rd birthday pretty much nailed it. I’m excited for 24 :) I accomplished so much being 22 and I can’t wait to see what’s in store for 24 :) Let’s make it a memorable year present Krislam :) 

Oh yeah, Dear 21 year old Krislam who wrote a letter to yourself in your earlier moleskines...

I think you did a pretty good job with that list ;] 

Thank you to everyone and anyone who contributed to my birthday this year, I love you all :) 

[P.S. I will eventually add pictures… I’m currently at Caffe Bene writing in Pages, LOL]

On the path to 24! <3 Cheers! 

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