Monday, March 23, 2015

One (Official) Year

Jay and I celebrated our 1 Year two weeks ago! We celebrated a week later since we were busy with family things! I say "official" cause TECHNICALLY, we've been dating for 2 years non-stop, but I mean eh, officially it's been 1 year :) 

1 amazingly-fantastic-filled-with-love-and-food year and I enjoyed every second of it!

Here are a few things we did! (Some of my photos are in my camera, so until then, I'll upload what I have) 

We had a "Dynamic Duo" adventure day! We started off at La Mill to enjoy some breakfast with Alfred. Shortly after, we went to the dog park so we can let Alfred have some fun (and to tire him out since we'll be gone all day). Then we put on our nice clothes and headed over to The Huntington Library in San Marino! We had so much fun! I have to admit that we were both ill prepared for the trip, oops, my bad. I understood that it was a museum and some parts were outdoors, but I didn't know that it was freakin' huge...and that it would be a tiny little hike. Needless to say, I wish I was wearing sneakers and Jay was wishing he wasn't carrying all his photo/art gear. LOL. After the library, we went to Copa Vida, a coffee shop we often visit in Pasadena so that we can work a little since we're both busy bee's, Jay especially. For dinner, we were supposed to go eat somewhere, but instead we went to my cousins house for his farewell party. So I was able to enjoy a day with Jay, Alfred AND my family!

Here's 1 of 2 gifts I gave him. It's an exploding box with a letter in the middle. Each panel was dedicated to each month that had past our last year — it was cheesey and lame, but I loved making it and Jay loved it too! Part 2 was a leather bracelet from Fossil. Jay looks so good with leather bracelets on and when his old one was basically deteriorating I knew I had to buy him a new one. 

Here's what Jay bought me :) I'm going to copy and paste my IG post since it's really elaborate and I'm too lazy to write it out again. 

Main Ingredients for Dynamic Love: 

1. Shared Passion of Graphic Design 2. Imogen Heap (my project that caught his attention to call me in for an interview, if it wasn’t for that project we never would have met.) 3. Starbucks Runs! (We used to make tons of Starbucks runs)4 & 5: Happy Hour Drinks from Octopus (a place we all used to go to after work) 6. An Alfred! 7. A carrot. (Long ago, we went to get food and instead of getting a number while we waited we got a plastic carrot…and so…how he found this carrot is beyond me but this literally almost made me cry.)

He. Is. So. Cheesey.

Jay's first rose was falling apart so I had to give it a permanent home. I started to create a shadow box but felt like something was missing. Lo and behold, when I got the carrot, I knew it was the PERFECT finishing piece. Now the rose has the perfect home! 

We decided to eat dinner on a separate day since we were so busy with adventure day and family bonding. We spent our Sunday working on freelance and sporadically cleaning up the house. When we finally got to a stopping point, which was at 9PM, we decided to walk over the Umami. The food was, eh, I knew I should have stuck to my usual order, but I wanted to try something new. I wasn't too fond of my turkey burger and our fries had TOO much cheese (yes, that is possible ahaha) Nonetheless, we're totally going back because I made a delicious concoction with the sauces that went great with the french fries SANS cheese.

So yea, that is it! We kept it pretty casual. We're going to Portland in June, so we wanted to save our money for that trip! :)

Happy 1 Year Joomar :) 

I love you.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Playing Model Pt. 2

I don't know why I keep doing this to myself, but I volunteered to be a part of our fashion show yesterday for our new apparel launch! I get camera shy and freeze at the sight of a crowd (and, if my real women denim shoot was any indication of how awkward I get, then...well...) yet I still did it...and I loved it :)

And basically, this is how it went down...

So they had Glam Squad (yes, that's their actual name) come in and "glam" us up with hair and makeup. I, of course, requested to have big messy hair and in the midst of teasing my now lion's mane, I took a photo cause it was so big. Hair turned out great, minus the fact my bangs were be soooooo stubborn and kept separating (you'll see it in the photos later). Makeup, eh... my artist didn't seem like she wanted to be there ._. and she didn't want to give me extra eyeliner, or well, it seemed like she would of bit my head off if I asked for extra. Sigh, it's okay though.

We were allowed to style ourselves this time around which made me happy cause I felt very comfortable walking around in this outfit. I was told that it was very "me" so hooray! I was going for the more casual-conservative look, anything else would have been to glam-fab for me, haha.

Here's the final look! We don't have a full length mirror so my shoes aren't showing :( but I was wearing flat booties, cause let's be honest, I'd fall if I had to wear heels. 

There was about 20 of us total and we all looked great and did an amazing job!!! :) #nailedit #werk

Here's me after the show with my cheesey cheese, big-gapped bangs & small eyes smile LOL. I HATE that my bangs did that.. I knew I should have brushed them out, but I was afraid to ruin what the stylist did. They probably showed up like this in the actual runway photos. Siiiiiiigh. Oh well, it's okay :) I had fun and that's all that matters.

Oh, and yes, I was able to keep the clothes :) I love the jacket so much! I'm wearing it today...and will be wearing the full outfit tomorrow for a birthday party. Haha.

Yay for working at such an incredible place!!!