Thursday, February 16, 2012

Candy Addict.

In order to fix a problem, one must admit they have a problem -- or something like that right?

I've come to realize that I consume waaaaay too much candy, well sweets in general. Today I went to Famima to pick up TWO Hershey bars to satisfy my craving (not to mention I didn't eat candy all day yesterday so I was getting very x__x) I came back with not only two Hershey bars...but the whole entire candy aisle.

This is a problem. 

I really need to come to terms with my eating habits and start eating healthier. It doesn't help that I hardly exercise and sit for a good 7 hours at work, but I eat as if I do... candy, junk food, fast food..all that is unhealthy and on top of that I also don't drink as much water as I am supposed to causing me to break out like a mother (or so I'd like to think that's that reason why). I'm gaining weight, not a dramatic amount but I can see my tummy starting to get kinda pudgy and I do blame my laziness.

So starting tomorrow (maybe) I'm going to start logging what I eat and how much I spend, maybe that'll get me started and hopefully become a routine. I really do want to eat healthier and exercise more, I remember how good I felt after a good jog/walk/workout.. exhausted but for the most part feeling really's just hard when it's dark both early morning AND when I get home, makes me miss summer (A LITTLE) we'll see tomorrow morning :]

Anyways, thought I'd share this thought with future me.. hopefully future me isn't too chubby :3

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