Monday, May 14, 2012

Diablo III x Girlfriends: Don't get all butt hurt.

Alright ladies, Diablo 3 is coming out tomorrow! And if you're not much of a gamer like myself and have a boyfriend who is in love with the game then its time to temporarily bid your loved one goodbye as they go into what I call the "diablo-hibernation"

I've seen a handful of tweets that read several girlfriends (actual girlfriends not my friends that are girls) venting about how they're dreading the game release and threatening (on Twitter -.-) that they'll leave their boyfriend if it takes up most of their time and neglect them. 

Now ladies, let's be fair. Diablo 2 came out 1000000 years ago. Since then our boyfriends have clung onto the day D3 would come out (give or take that they actually do based on how many of my guy friends are going ape shit) and the day is here and men can't help but get a little giddy. Now before you get all "OMG its just a game!" just think of us women when a new season comes around and all our favorite shopping stores release their new floor set...we can't help but get a little excited...right? And uh -- don't lie to me ladies.. You know you cannot wait till Breaking Dawn 2 comes out. Cause I know I can't - aha! Justsayin.

So let your boyfriend have his fun... Don't get all butt hurt, instead take the time your boyfriend is going to be MIA and treat yourself to an equal amount of fun whether it be going out with friends or shopping.. Whatever tickles your fancy. 

Now gentlemen, know your limits, that's all. Know when to stop. I understand that the game is über fun and filled with super awesome adventures but don't forget the more important things in life. Y'know? And I'm not talking about tending to your girlfriends I mean other important things.. Like showering... Mhm I said it. 

So ladies just remember that video games are temporary, and it may suck the living life out of your boyfriend but they're still there...sorta. It'll blow over eventually, and HEY! if worse comes to worse, embrace the game and do what you can to contribute to his fun. (I bought Tony an SSD drive to help boost the performance of his computer) OR! Give the game a shot, who knows you might fall in love with it too!

That's just my two cents ;]

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