Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Snoozin' Commuter

Recently I've grown a larger appreciation for what my parents have done and are currently doing to support the family, so much so that I've been contributing back to the family in the hopes that it would alleviate some of the financial weight. I discovered this when I first started going to FIDM, I'd take the Metrolink to and from school twice a week and see all these sleepy commuters, literally snoring away as if tucked away in bed. I thought to myself, "I wonder why they're so tired?" Course at the time I wasn't a daily commuter so I did have enough sleep and didn't understand the cause of such sleepiness among the passengers.

Fast forward to the present, I'm finding myself snoozin' away just like these daily commuters. Usually my heavy napping takes place on the way back from work, I would literally KO from the Union Station and wake up at Industry still half asleep but fully aware of my surroundings (if possible, hehe) The day to day commute and the 8-5 schedule has taught me to appreciate my parents as well as all the hard workers out there. I'm finally finding out what it feels like to be a working woman and it makes my heart heavy to know that people have been doing this for years in order to feed their family, put a roof over their head & support them in their every need. It sparks a light of inspiration to know that one day I'll be a mother and tending to my family, which means I have to continue growing and work harder.

So even though the commute completely wipes me out, it makes me happy knowing that I'm growing to be a mature adult like my parents (granted I run around in Disney clothes and wave around a light saber --- but 'yknow what I mean)

Thank you parents for being so amazing at everything that you do <3 And thank you so much for never giving up on us... <3

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