Thursday, July 26, 2012

The day I went Ombré.

Ever since I was a little teenie bopper my mom would not let me dye my hair and one of her big reasons were, "Anak, you're too young to look older". The other reason was, "Anak, love who you are inside and out, when you're ready you'll know." Though I never got the first saying as a child I'm glad as an adult I waited. After how many years of being so curious to see how I'd look with light hair I finally grew a pair and did it. I definitely pulled a "YOLO" move, haha! Don't hate me x]

Hair stylist: Tammy Nguyen I totally recommend Tammy for any hair needs, she's been my stylist for well over a year and I've never been disappointed in her work!

Before & After! 3-5 mos. apart x] 
I originally wanted it to be a darker shade to be safe but when I got there I was like EFF IT...light it is LOL.

Here's a better look at it!

3 shades; Excuse my shoulder, my back breaks out during the summer T_T
I love my hair so much, I'm so glad that I took the leap and did it. I usually love my hair straight but with this hair color I love it wavy/curly. It's definitely new but a "good" type of new, nom'sayin? Anyways, for most people this isn't usually a big deal but for me, it is! I do plan on toning it down when Fall/Winter comes around I just think the light color works for the summer. 

So future Krislam, after 5 months of debating whether or not you should do something, you did it. You should have that mindset more often LOL.

That's all for now, haha! Been busy lately and my room isn't exactly tip top shape...but then again when is it ever?

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

IKEA vs. Type

Today I read (and learned),

That in August 2009, IKEA changed their font from Futura to Verdana. It caused what is known a "fontroversy" to not only those that are our fellow type-geeks but also to the norms "consumers" they noticed the difference from signs, magazines, labels, etc. -- everything! While IKEA grew quite the popularity from the odd change they're intent was simply not for that reason. Verdana at its time was becoming a well known font, so much so that it became a non-font (a font that is so used it hardly registers in the mind what font it actually is, kind of like Times New Roman) which is why it was so effective and why it was chosen. 

I, of course, am a little biased towards this because I favor thin fonts over wide ones (this could be my constant use of Century Gothic over the passed year [no choice, lol]) Nonetheless, bravo IKEA for moving forward with the digital age!

But anyways, thought I'd sum up and share my read for the day! 

Source: Just My Type; Simon Garfield 
Other Sources:,8599,1919127,00.html 

Monday, July 2, 2012

Anime Expo 2012

Sumomo & Monkey D. Luffy!
Costume Designs by Fashion Designer, Michelle Hébert.

Ventured off to DTLA for a 2-day Anime Expo trip this past weekend! And, apart from the insane crowds and occasional wave heat it was pretty awesome. I went with Maggie, Tony, John, Alysia & Deshawn (was a full house, LOL) Tony and I cosplayed again this year in addition to little boshy. I went as Chobits – Sumomo, Tony as One Piece – Monkey D Luffy (New Age) and Maggie as One Piece – Chopper (Modern mix between old/new age)

We all had a good time; it was great seeing all the other cosplayers running around posing for pictures and such. I have to admit that even with my little knowledge of certain shows there were some pretty good cosplayers.
I, too, found myself in the middle of “paparazzi” fan photos. I was often stopped to pose for a picture. Much like 2 years ago as psyduck I was the only one of my kind and appealing to the ladies (since chobits is kind of a more female driven series) so that pretty much made my entire trip. I also got a lot of “OH MY GAH! You’re that one girl from that one series – D’ah don’t tell me her name – ugh okay tell me” So I’m glad I got a lot of recognition even though it took people awhile to register who I actually was. Figures, I’m not a main character :p It’s okay! I even got a hug from a little girl who actually thought I was Sumomo (Disney fairytale effect, as I call it) She spoke to me about her cat named “Momo” named after “Me” – Sumomo. It was absolutely adorable!

Tony was 1 out of the 50 Luffys found at the convention but the MOST accurate one in my opinion. (And I’m not just saying that because I’m his girlfriend, hehe) but seriously, Michelle, our fashion designer, did an incredible job with our costumes so even though Tony was in the pool of Luffys he really was the best out of all of them. I mean, he had an actual yellow sash AND the scar, on point! I thought Tony suited his character so well in many ways, even his love to eat was spot on x] Although, as much as I loved him running around in that yellow hat I’m glad to have my short-haired Tony back, he’s so hot xD

Monkey D. Luffy

We (minus Maggie, she didn’t attend the 2nd day) walked on over to Octopus for “happy hour” and grubbed on the always-delicious seafood. Soon after, dessert at Botegga Louie then a resting sesh at Starbucks. The night ended with us all gathered at Deshawns place laughing about awkward screenshots with reindeer noses & penises. Yes, penises. After the second day of Anime Expo, Tony and I were pretty much drained from all the walking and cosplaying. Granted it’s not like we’re actually playing the character but having to commit to being nice about photos being taken can take a lot out of you.

Maggie as Chopper

I spent the night at Tonys that night so I could avoid driving at night; it was the first time I slept over at his house where I was actually allowed to sleep in the same bed with him (cross that off my list, haha!) The day after, Tony came down to Ontario to just hang out with me.

So at the end of the day, I was able to take Maggie to experience something new, be the only one of my character, be fortunate enough to be holding the hand of the best Monkey D Luffy & get to spend 3 consecutive days with my baby. 

Weekend, made!

Shout out to Michelle Hebèrt for beautifully designing me and Tony’s costume, she basically made everything from scratch in two days. Amazing right?! Find her fashion styles and portfolio here! I definitely recommend her for anything, not just costumes! 

More Photos from AX:

I'm such a lucky girl <3 :]