Thursday, August 30, 2012

Uncalled for Adventure Wednesday!

Well yesterday was fun --

Of course I mean that in the most sarcastic but not really kind of way. So this is what happened:

I'm on the way to my train platform when all of a sudden I look up the board that usually says my boarding time to see this

Top: Board that lied, it's really an 1hr 15min
Bottom: Photo of me riding the Silver Streak!
Yea. Quite frustrating. So I'm standing there thinking to myself, "Am I really going to have to wait for an hour?" I look around and I see the same stare of confusion and frustration in everyone's faces. I turn around and a man who claims to be from the same station as me asks, "Hey, do you wanna take the bus with us?" and my first initial reaction is, "ZOMG, STRANGER -- nooo it's okay :)" then he wonders off with his friends another man and woman, both of which I recognize from my train. He takes one last look at me and I finally budge. "YOLO" so to speak, course if I had been murdered last night I could of witnessed if YOLO was true, LOL. But I didn't, instead I met 3 new people, Steve, Elizabeth & Marc.

Long story short --

Hopped onto the Silver Streak to go to Pomona where the lovely Elizabeth took me and Steve to our station. I left LA at around 6:30 didn't get home till 9:30 -

Still happy pappy! Even though I was starving & spilled Chipotle in my bag
HAHAHA ------ oh man. Monday, woke up early to get stuck in 2 hour traffic. Tuesday, got stuck in 3 hour traffic. Wednesday, stranded in LA and it took me 3 hours to get home.

You know what the funny part is? When we got to our station, all the cars were gone except for me and Steve's, leaving us to believe that there must of been a train that got there before us. Ay nako. But anyways, it was a fun adventure. If there's anything I got out of it is was learning the Foothill Transit.

Also wanted to mention that I am not a firm believer of taking off with strangers to try and get home, the only reason why I even went with the group was because of the girl otherwise I wouldn't have gone. And besides, if you see these people every day on their way to work... chances are they aren't going to kill you. Had I never seen these people, I would of waited that hour. COURSE, for all we know they could of just waited an extra 20 seeing that all the cars were gone.

Anyways, that was my adventure.

Future Krislam, I hope you've already moved out.

Love, Present Me.

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