Thursday, September 20, 2012

21st Birthday Present to Myself! | I moved to Downtown LA!

You read right! Remember when I posted that I wanted a place of my own before my 21st and that if it happened I'd be set?! Well HERE IT IS ! :D

Yeeee-yeaaa :) 

Long story short, after a 3 month search I finally found roomates and a place to live in the city that I love! I’m currently typing this on Word because I don’t know when I’m going to get internet so by the time I get this on the web it would probably already be one week in. I guess I could just publish it at work but that’s no fun, so I shall wait. 3 days ago I signed my first lease for a studio/loft in Downtown LA with two amazing roomies! Words can’t express just how thankful and blessed I am to be able to do this. I’m hoping this is the start of many more adventures. It’s crazy to think that just a year ago I just graduated and was just starting off my career and now I’m living on my own, who would of thought? Apart from my wallet getting tighter I’m really happy with my move, it also helps because just 3 months ago I almost settled for an apartment nowhere near the heart of downtown so I’m so glad fate guided me here. 

It's been 2 days since I wrote that small paragraph and now I'm at Syrup gettin' my snack on while I abuse the crap out of their wifi, haha! Guess I should start where I left off at --

But yea, it's been almost a full week since move in and I'm still in shock that I live here now x] For some reason it still hasn't hit me yet, one week I'm looking at the skyline from the Metrolink and now I can stand from the rooftop and look at it from there, it's amazing and truly a blessing. 

I could go on and on about how thankful and happy I am but let's just leave it at that... 

Thank you to everyone that has supported me for the last 3.5 years :) I love you all <3

Dear future Krislam, keep kicking ass and chasing your dream!

Present me

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