Saturday, October 13, 2012

Thank you, Mom.

My rock, best friend, my mom :]
It's almost been a month since I left home and moved out on my own and every day that passes by there isn't a moment where I stop and realize how much I'm like my mom.

As I'm washing dishes, cleaning the counter tops, taking out the trash and trying to keep our place cleaned up (specifically my area, like honestly it's ridiculous how clean it is) I start to think about my mom and how I used to get annoyed at how much she cleaned and always asked why she ALWAYS had to clean, why she ALWAYS had to have things organized. I would always throw a tantrum whenever my mom would interrupt me with whatever I was doing to help her clean. I never understood what her and her obsession to clean was all about until I was the one cleaning just like her :)  I took what was one of the many skills a mother should pass down to her child for granted. Through all the fits my mom threw about my room not being clean, for all those times she'd yell at me for not doing my laundry or giving me a hard time about me not being a responsible young lady, NOW I get it. She wasn't being mean, she just wanted me to learn.

And now that I'm all by myself I'm so grateful to have a mom like mine...without her...well, my life would be a mess...literally.

I wish my mom knew how much I'm growing up to be like her, she'd be so proud but knowing her she wouldn't believe me cause to her I'm always going to be the little girl in the high chair putting spaghetti in my hair.

I love my mom and everything she has taught me.
I miss her (and her super cleanliness to death)

Thanks for being such an amazing inspiration, Mom! 
I love you :]

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