Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Tooth Ache (Cracked Tooth?)

For the past several months I’ve been experiencing a lot of pain with my teeth. It all started when I saw a little dot on one of my molars. I went in thinking it may have been my first cavity and alas it was 1 of 4 cavities I had received in the course of a year (maybe 2).

I went in to get my fillings thinking “this will be over in no time!” Sure enough only 3 out of 4 procedures were successful. The last procedure basically opened up a new door for me as a dental patient (also learning that dental is freakin’ expensive). The doctor did her usual procedure before drilling my tooth, she administered the anesthetic once and went in a tried to drill — I felt it. After 5 tubes of anesthetic I was still feeling pain. She ended up not going through with the filling because any more anesthetic I would of passed out. (Btw, was totally shaking and light headed when I left) It was then I was sent to a specialist and of course he told me that I need a root canal.

Root canals are expensive and I had used up all my “credits” from my dental insurance so I’m forced to wait until 2013 for it to restart. I thought, “No biggie, I have the other side to chew on.”
BUT OF COURSE, I had been chewing on the left side for so long that the same molar but opposite side started to hurt. THANKFULLY, I don’t need a root canal. Doctor said it must be me clenching my teeth and well, I do find myself doing that a lot. But have no fear, sensodyne and good habits are here to save the day.

YEA NO. (left side pain started to subside UNTIL...)

Today I was eating crackers when I noticed that the left side molar started hurting again. It took me by surprise to be honest because the crackers weren’t too hot nor cold so I was like, “well that’s weird.” I ignored it because maybe my tooth was being stubborn. Throughout the day I started noticing the pain more and more so when I finally got home I got the end of a spoon (or well beginning) and did the biting test.

I bit down and poked at the center of my molar and there it was, the origin of the pain. I of course having done my google research and know what temperature sensitivity is pain is like came to the conclusion that I may have a cracked tooth. At this point, all I want to do is cry.

And the thing is, it’s not even about the money. If it’ll cost me money to get rid of this pain so be it. It’s the fact that if I lose this tooth I may lose the structure of my smile. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a very vain person but I love my smile and it’s the one thing that really makes me, me.

I’m hoping I can get a consultation with my dentist tomorrow seeing that she’s conveniently located on the 9th floor in the same building I’m in. I really hope that she doesn’t say it’s cracked, but given the fact that the pain is concentrated in a certain spot and is triggered by pressure doesn’t give me much hope.

But I guess we’ll see. Until then I’m going to give up candy for a very long time. Chocolate though…I don’t know LOL. But laffy taffy, licorice anything taffy or extremely sticky has got to go!

Wish me luck!

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