Monday, September 23, 2013

Bullet List Update!

Hello world!

Finally found some time to sit down and blog real quick! I have multiple blogs so finding time to update all of them (except my tumblr) is hard to do. But here I am! And here is my update!

  • Work: Hit my first month at work! Wooo *waving arms in the air* it went by so fast. I know I just started, but I already feel so close to everyone :) I'm continuing to learn new things and it's just really exciting to see myself grow with a great company. With our recent launch with our retail store I saw first hand how a lot of store assets were created and that was a lot of fun even though I was just a spectator, I hope I get to work on some of those assets in the near future! Until then, I don't mind brain picking and asking 100000 questions. Overall, work has been amazing and I'm really really excited to see where the new few months will take me
  • Freelancing: This has been the first time in my career where I am balancing a full time job and freelancing at the same time and boy is it an eye opener. In my previous post I talked about all the projects I had and those are slowly coming to an end and I'm so STOKED to see the end product of them all :) I've been doing a lot of illustrating which is so much fun because I do a lot more editorial things at work. So it's always nice to come back into my comfort zone after learning new skills. I'll be updating the blog soon with new work, just need to collect all the drafts and what have you.
  • Personal: I'm doing well :) Family is healthy, friends are amazing, grateful for work...just all around good vibes everywhere. I am a little concerned about my workload, I know that I could potentially burn myself out and have witnessed a close friend of mine burn himself out and heard stories about designers just really losing their inner-self due to work, so I'm definitely trying to moderate my time with work without, of course, missing a deadline. It's an incredible feeling to finish the work, but it's also very tiring and I'm trying to find the happy medium. I'm very thankful to have great creative friends who have experience to basically tell me to calm down...if it weren't for them I'd be burning the midnight oil on the daily!

    I've also been talking to my mom about going back to school, but this time it's not necessarily for graphic design. We talked about why I should go back to school or take classes for something else. I mean I'm already in my field and if I'm going to pursue my BFA, why not in something different? Been entertaining the idea of web and illustration (actual illustration) but we'll see where that goes. I'll look into night school and stuff like that. I'm not saying that Art Center is no longer a part of my dream, but if I am being a little realistic $100,000 is a little scary. But we'll see...  
Apart from all that, life is great :) I'll be turning 22 in about 2 weeks so I'll be blogging a reflection post of the past year (that really felt like it lasted all of like 2 days.) October is filled with a bunch of adventures and I'm definitely ending September with a bang :) Hehe, okies... that's all for now! Until next time world!

Oh, also, P.S...I've been enjoying this guys company recently. Lots of smiles being shared between the two of us. I enjoy it and eh, he's alright :) 

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