Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Been busy...

Finally have some "me" time and I kind of want to rest.

Will update soon!

Monday, June 27, 2011

7th & Fig

Sitting here in the parking structure on 7th & flower. Only reason why my title says 7th & fig is because I can see 7th & fig from here. But anyways! Just sitting here waiting for it to be 8.15ish so I can head over to my interview building.

It was decided last night that I arrive an hour and a half later (they asked ke to come on 1-2 hours early. So yes just waiting now.. I might nap. Waking up 4.30 was definitely something I need to get used to...again x]

Interview in about an hour or so, I'm nervous to say the least.. But confident :)

We'll see what happens! I'm definitely taking a nap!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Summer Weight...!

Maaaaan, the last quarter of FIDM left me kinda chubby :/ I still weigh at 109 but my tummy doesn't look like its at 109 and I blame myself, portfolio always had me on my butt in front of a computer and the only sense of workout I had was.. around the house, to my car, to school.. and back home xD not only that but the endless amount of junkfood I have digested over the course of 4 months.. UGH. I can't feel/look this way, I feel lazy and unattractive.

So, I'm definitely going back to my usual diet of salads and healthy snacks.  No more fastfood! Not for awhile at least :p

Oh and morning walks with my Kira of course annnd maybe a few and there..maybe :p

Saturday, June 25, 2011


Cake for le graduate!

Thanks Family ^_^
(even though it's a week late)


Essential items in my everyday life. iPhone. Moleskine. Planner.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Newest Obession! Chobits!

Finished Death Note. Started Bleach & Fruit Basket! But I got hooked into Chobits! Cute story! :]


Early Bird

So I'm in my car, waiting for it to be 11:45 so I can walk in my job interview that's scheduled at 12.

It's funny, I find myself more worried about how I'm going to be able to balance this job (if I get it) my existing job & full time internship (if I get it).

This job is only a seasonal job, so I'll be let go around late September? My other job is a part time job, which ATM doesn't have many hours to offer but I'm 100% sure in a couple months I'll be hitting more hours. AND THEN this internship is 20-23 hours a week for 3 months.

If all goes well, I will be forced to drop a job. Because I'm obviously not going to drop the design job. But the thing is, I couldnt see myself leave my first job, not yet at least. This second job I could leave.. But I would feel terrible if this second job gives me hours and such this coming week and I leave. But then again... They do pay more..

I don't know what to do, and there is no possible way I can balance the three. I mean I could but I would definitely be biting more than I can chew.

Buuuuut I have had 3 jobs + being a FT student. But 2/3 jobs were freelance :/

AHHHHH what do I do!?

I guess what I should do is go into this interview and kick butt and see what happens next.

Wish me luck!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Tiny Splurge!

Did a tiny bit of shopping today! :]
Yellow Tank [Urban Outfitters] $16 (I was doing an exchange ^^)
Yellow Planner [Target] $15 (Personally, I thought the price was a bit of a stretch but, EH, it’s yellow..productive…cute…did I mention it was yellow?)
Blue iPhone Bumper [Apple] $30 (Don’t even say anything about the price -.- I wish it was yellow.)
Tony bought me the first Chobits book..series..whatever.. LOL :] Thanks friendboy.
 But yea! Ts all :]

Job Hunting IV

I've been seriously blessed the last couple days. FIDMs open portfolio day and my motivation has got me to the point where I have the cards in my hands and I'm so proud. I don't wanna jinx it so I will leave it at that.

I have my first interview tomorrow, for my second part time job. This will be my first interview ever, because believe it or not I never had an interview at Aero, so this will definitely be something to add to the books! I am pretty nervous! Wish me luck!

Other than that...that's all the news I have today!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Job Hunting III

I decided to not name companies due to conflict of interest and the risk of getting into trouble for putting it out there, etc. etc. It's just safer :]

.1/Got a call back from one of my part-time job leads, they said that my availability hours is kind of shakey, I think they are looking for someone more that can work steady hours and not a student. However they did offer me a seasonal summer job just to get my feet wet, to see if I am interested working there with a steady shift. So that's something! I got an interview on Friday!

.2/Got an email back from a design-career job lead, they said that they are currently looking at my work and will get back to me shortly. They left a number, so I will definitely call in about 3-4 for a follow up if I don't hear back from them via e-mail or phone.

.3/For my other part time, I didn't hear back from them yet, I'm still deciding what the appropriate time for me to call back. I applied the 21st, so yesterday, I think I'll give it till tomorrow and call to follow up.

.4/Another thing, it's more of a charity work. Freelancing with THAH/To Have A Heart (Directed by my friend Jordan and other people, I don't know their names LOL) to make posters, flyers, work with advertisements. A little something for the community as well as myself! A two-fer so to speak.

Other than that, that's all I got for now. I need to keep applying for design-career job leads/internships in the hopes one of them will be my starting career! *crosses fingers*

Happy Summer!

Yesterday was the first day of summer, and jeez did mother nature make that apparent. Anywho, yay for shorts! Hahaha!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Open Portfolio Day

Last week I (and other designers) were chosen to be a part of FIDMs Annual Open Portfolio Day! Where people from the industry come to FIDM to view the selected portfolios. My portfolio is seriously like my baby and having to leave it at school and letting it be showcased on it's own makes me a proud portfolio-mom. So good luck to me and everyone else!

After the event, we're given information on who viewed it and who are interested and such. I'm excited! I have to pick it up sometime this week :]


First Car Accident

Last Thursday, I got into a tiny car accident on the freeway. Long story short, old man merging into my lane and it was unavoidable. So now Charlie looks ugly AND I have to tend to all the errand-running -.- Thankfully I'm alive, but still.. running around doing all these errands... kinda sucks.

Not only that, but the situation is kind of shakey since he doesn't wanna go through insurance .. guess we'll find out ><

Poor Charlie =[

Job Hunting II

Started job hunting today! I applied to several different places. A good handful of part time jobs to stack on top of Aero just to keep me busy, and a few design firm jobs! I'm just hoping I will hear back from someone! I'm very proud of myself, granted it's only been day 2 of my life after FIDM, but I've been keeping myself very motivated!

Oh yea, I also registered at RCC for the Fall Semester! Can't wait to get my GEs out of the way so I can transfer and get that BFA and more experience..

Call me a nerd, but, I'm actually excited about this!

*cross my fingers, good luck to me!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Boyfriend :]

I seriously just wanna see this guys face.. soon. LOL. Miss you <3

Job Hunting!

So I have a part time job at AĆ©ropostale as a Sales Associate, so when I say "job hunting" I mean career wise. I do have some job leads from FIDM and I'm going to apply to every single one of them! Haha, but anyways, yes I am looking for a career in Graphics and not to sound desperate but I am the type of person that would wanna work from the bottom up. So if it means pencil pushing and coffee runs at a design firm or company, psh, lay it on me.

The one thing that Reagan had said to all of us before we left the classroom, "Now you're finished here at school, let's see how thick your face will be in the industry"

Couldn't have said it better myself.

Rejection, I've heard horror stories about repeated rejection from interviews, emails, etc. but eh.. I'm not that scared.. if anything rejection should make me stronger and motivated. But yes, gotta get started on these leads :]

FIDM Graduation 2011

That's me! 

June 18, 2011 I graduated from the Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising with my AA Degree in Graphic Design at the Staples Center! It was honestly the best experience of my life. I've only attended a handful of graduations, on top of that, I've only attended ONE college one, so the others were either middle school or my own!

Outside the Staples Center
Staples Scoreboard! I was on that!


Anyways, graduation was great, hands down the best ceremony ever! My cheer crew consisted of course my family and Tonyface! <3 They're the most amazing people in my life and have been there since day one supporting me and getting me through the program. I love you guise.

My little group! <3
I of course, walked with my girls + Willis, I made sure that I spent every last second with them, especially Willis since he's leaving back home, sigh* but we sure did make every second last!

Oh I should also mention, we decided as graphic designers to do something a little creative with our cap! :] This pic of course only shows the 4 of us, but believe me when I say "we graphic designers" LOL... we looked like a swatch palette from afar, it was great :]

Pantone Colors!
Willis - Kathy - Jessica - Me

Graduating was such a bittersweet feeling, it's so great to be relieved of portfolio stress, it's been so hectic the last couple days, it's great to finally settle down. But it's also saddening because, I won't be going back to school in 3 weeks, which I'm normally used to, so it is a bit depressing. I'm definitely going to miss FIDM. I would go into detail, but I shall save that for another blog, I don't feel like giving out any water works right now. Haha.

Anyways, FIDM graduation THE BEST. Duh!

Hello Blogger!

So it's been decided, I will be switching over the blogger for personal blogging, but will also be using tumblr for a more entertainment blog!

I wanted a fresh start with a new blog, a life-after-fidm blog! Haha, so let see what kind of adventures await me! :]