Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Snoozin' Commuter

Recently I've grown a larger appreciation for what my parents have done and are currently doing to support the family, so much so that I've been contributing back to the family in the hopes that it would alleviate some of the financial weight. I discovered this when I first started going to FIDM, I'd take the Metrolink to and from school twice a week and see all these sleepy commuters, literally snoring away as if tucked away in bed. I thought to myself, "I wonder why they're so tired?" Course at the time I wasn't a daily commuter so I did have enough sleep and didn't understand the cause of such sleepiness among the passengers.

Fast forward to the present, I'm finding myself snoozin' away just like these daily commuters. Usually my heavy napping takes place on the way back from work, I would literally KO from the Union Station and wake up at Industry still half asleep but fully aware of my surroundings (if possible, hehe) The day to day commute and the 8-5 schedule has taught me to appreciate my parents as well as all the hard workers out there. I'm finally finding out what it feels like to be a working woman and it makes my heart heavy to know that people have been doing this for years in order to feed their family, put a roof over their head & support them in their every need. It sparks a light of inspiration to know that one day I'll be a mother and tending to my family, which means I have to continue growing and work harder.

So even though the commute completely wipes me out, it makes me happy knowing that I'm growing to be a mature adult like my parents (granted I run around in Disney clothes and wave around a light saber --- but 'yknow what I mean)

Thank you parents for being so amazing at everything that you do <3 And thank you so much for never giving up on us... <3

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Creative Juices [Doodle Chalkboard | Cartoon | Illustration]

Today I decided that I was going to dedicate the entire day to nothing but design. While my day started pretty well with my hot cup of coffee it took a sharp U-Turn when my mom stacked chores on my itinerary and who am I to complain? It took about the entire day and finally around 8pm I was able to sit down and resume what was left of my day to design :]

While cleaning I doodled on my chalkboard. I've been noticing lately that the "chalkboard" look has been trending throughout the design world and to be honest, I'm starting to grow a soft spot for it... kind of like my love for kraft paper and double sided tape. Mhm.

I've also been training myself to jump out of my comfort zone and start doodling more human figures. Course I'm far from a more fine art type of drawing humans so for now this will do xD I actually like this little guy. His name is Marve.

And after doodling more characters I decided to just quickly draw Murfee who then turned into an illustration. 

If you didn't know by know I'm obsessed with Shag and the way he illustrates. I studied his work for a full quarter and based one of my projects around him. So this was my little rendition of my lovely Murfee with a twist of Shag. 

Apart from chores my day was pretty awesome, got a lot of things done and it's always a perk when I get an illustration piece in!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Hello, Murfee :]

Creative Mornings & Happy Hour Evenings

Apart from the crazy mid-week experience this week, I had a productive week at work as always. Man! Words cannot express how much I love my job, like honestly... I love everything about my job...the work, the people, the location.. ugh EVERYTHING! Truly blessed ♥

Yesterday morning The Wolfpack (sans Cody) went on a little field trip to Chinatown to attend a breakfast lecture for creatives called "Creative Mornings". If you don't know who they are check them out here. I was super excited because it was my first time going and my co-worker was raving about how awesome it was and she was totally right! This months topic was about food but next month it's going to be focused around creative speakers so I'm super stoked for that one.

(Photo Credit: Jhomar; I was too busy eating my donut to take a pic)
This is what the lecture room looked like, it was pretty awesome. I felt like I stepped into my future-dream studio. High ceiling, big windows, lots of lighting -- ugh it was perfect!

The lecture lasted about an hour and was about a man and his wife and their adventure to their success in the food industry with their well known restaurant Starry Kitchen. Nguyen Tran was so funny, loved his personality and his story about how he got to where he is now, truly inspirational (and funny) "If you're going to fuck shit up, fuck shit up doing what you want to do" [something along those lines]

I wish I had known about Creative Mornings sooner, it happens about once a month and usually the events are free. So The Wolfpack decided that we're definitely going to try and make this a monthly thing just so we can step out of the office and get our creative juices flowing.

After a productive day at work, we treated ourselves to happy hour at our usual spot, Octopus. Mmmm mmm mmm! :] Can't got wrong with $24 meal that includes food & drinks! (Course I opted from the alcohol consumption last night x] grubbed on the sushi though, om nom nom nom)

(Photo Credit: Jhomar; Again, too busy eating to take pics LOL)

Ahhh, yet another productive week :] Cheers to the weekend! 

Monday, May 14, 2012

Diablo III x Girlfriends: Don't get all butt hurt.

Alright ladies, Diablo 3 is coming out tomorrow! And if you're not much of a gamer like myself and have a boyfriend who is in love with the game then its time to temporarily bid your loved one goodbye as they go into what I call the "diablo-hibernation"

I've seen a handful of tweets that read several girlfriends (actual girlfriends not my friends that are girls) venting about how they're dreading the game release and threatening (on Twitter -.-) that they'll leave their boyfriend if it takes up most of their time and neglect them. 

Now ladies, let's be fair. Diablo 2 came out 1000000 years ago. Since then our boyfriends have clung onto the day D3 would come out (give or take that they actually do based on how many of my guy friends are going ape shit) and the day is here and men can't help but get a little giddy. Now before you get all "OMG its just a game!" just think of us women when a new season comes around and all our favorite shopping stores release their new floor set...we can't help but get a little excited...right? And uh -- don't lie to me ladies.. You know you cannot wait till Breaking Dawn 2 comes out. Cause I know I can't - aha! Justsayin.

So let your boyfriend have his fun... Don't get all butt hurt, instead take the time your boyfriend is going to be MIA and treat yourself to an equal amount of fun whether it be going out with friends or shopping.. Whatever tickles your fancy. 

Now gentlemen, know your limits, that's all. Know when to stop. I understand that the game is über fun and filled with super awesome adventures but don't forget the more important things in life. Y'know? And I'm not talking about tending to your girlfriends I mean other important things.. Like showering... Mhm I said it. 

So ladies just remember that video games are temporary, and it may suck the living life out of your boyfriend but they're still there...sorta. It'll blow over eventually, and HEY! if worse comes to worse, embrace the game and do what you can to contribute to his fun. (I bought Tony an SSD drive to help boost the performance of his computer) OR! Give the game a shot, who knows you might fall in love with it too!

That's just my two cents ;]