Thursday, February 23, 2012

My rock ♥

I'm usually against posting pictures up of Tony and I kissing BUT this was more of a "I'm glad I survived the accident or else I would never be able to kiss you ever again" type of smile and then a kiss :3 so it's different...and besides he looked awfully dashing in his outfit today <3 ^^  
A part of me believes that God kept me alive from my accident to make sure that I was always there for Tony as he has been for me for the last 4 years. Ever since forever Tony has had to deal with my upmost dramatic and useless fights about the most ridiculous things known to man. But most recently he's had to endure the most heart wrenching situation thus far into our relationship -- thinking that he could have lost me, forever. I couldn't imagine how Tony would have dealt with me gone, HECK! I can't even imagine how I would've made it through if it were vice versa which is why I'm convinced that God and my guardian angels kept me alive to make sure he wouldn't ever have to go through that. We're a team and what kind of team has only one player? What's a PB&J sandwich without peanut butter? That's right -- A LAME SANDWICH! We need each other to live. Amongst other reasons, I'd like to think he's the reason why I'm still alive <3 :]

You mean the absolute world to me Tony :] I love you. I know that the next couple of weeks are going to be tough and I'm so thankful to have you by my side but I wouldn't have it any other way <3

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Candy Addict.

In order to fix a problem, one must admit they have a problem -- or something like that right?

I've come to realize that I consume waaaaay too much candy, well sweets in general. Today I went to Famima to pick up TWO Hershey bars to satisfy my craving (not to mention I didn't eat candy all day yesterday so I was getting very x__x) I came back with not only two Hershey bars...but the whole entire candy aisle.

This is a problem. 

I really need to come to terms with my eating habits and start eating healthier. It doesn't help that I hardly exercise and sit for a good 7 hours at work, but I eat as if I do... candy, junk food, fast food..all that is unhealthy and on top of that I also don't drink as much water as I am supposed to causing me to break out like a mother (or so I'd like to think that's that reason why). I'm gaining weight, not a dramatic amount but I can see my tummy starting to get kinda pudgy and I do blame my laziness.

So starting tomorrow (maybe) I'm going to start logging what I eat and how much I spend, maybe that'll get me started and hopefully become a routine. I really do want to eat healthier and exercise more, I remember how good I felt after a good jog/walk/workout.. exhausted but for the most part feeling really's just hard when it's dark both early morning AND when I get home, makes me miss summer (A LITTLE) we'll see tomorrow morning :]

Anyways, thought I'd share this thought with future me.. hopefully future me isn't too chubby :3

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Hunting for a Home!

I'm happy to announce that I am officially apartment hunting!! My penpail Abby, her friend Charlene and I are looking for apartments in Downtown LA, Pasadena or North Hollywood. Our set month to move out is June of this year, of course all of that could change in the next few months but for the time being that's the set month. I'm definitely trying to hit the middle of Downtown near work and school (for the other gals) but if rent is too high then we'll move a little further out. Around the end of March the girls will be coming down here from NorCal to come and look at some places, when/if we find a few good places we're going to cross our fingers that a room is still being offered for rent in June so we'll see..!

My mom is doing her absolute best to be supportive about the whole idea, but I know she would much rather have me stay at home. She understands that this would be a good learning experience for me but her only problem with the whole principle of moving out is the RENT (but I mean when is it not for anyone LOL) but I assured her that I wouldn't settle for a high price, I will make sacrifices for a smaller rent but I really want to move out...but who knows maybe after a year I'll move back home? Who's to say that moving out right now is the best option? We'll see we'll see!

So that's my update for now, until next time world!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentines Day 2012

I'm not going to sit here and say that I don't like Valentines day for reason: A B & C because that would just be so negative LOL, I am however going to express that I'm not a big Valentines-person, as in yes I do appreciate gifts and stuff like that, but ever since a certain milestone in my life I've been so "meh"a bout the made up holiday. I also enjoy bringing in the spirit of Valentines day like today at work... but other than that, Valentines day for me is seriously just another day :)

So Joyce and I put together a small gathering in honor of this made up holiday and ordered fresh fruit from Edible Arrangements, Prosecco (Secco) & one of my co-workers baked us some cake pops! Oh and girl scout cookies. The food was absolutely delicious (for what it was) and the company was amazing, we had a few laughs and giggles and then finally found our way slowly walking back to our desks. It was definitely a needed breather, just a good way to step away from looking at work and to have some fun.  

Going to segway now to later that evening which called for yet another "run forrest run" -- or so Joyce and I call it that -- adventure. It's 6:00, Joyce and I head down to the Red Line, as we were walking I spotted Jhomar, who left about 5 min before us, walking towards us. Turns out the red/purple line was down and I'm just over here like o___0 "Oh no, I have 35 minutes to get my butt down to Union Station..." long story short... I rode my first taxi in DTLA with Joyce and a random person we split the cab with, got to Union Station and BOOKED IT across the building barely making it to my train LOL. 

Ahh, it was a good day. With all that being said, Happy Valentines Day World :]

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Happy February!

Happy February world! :]

This months goals:
  1. Cut down my Starbucks consumption 
  2. Don't go shopping till the end of the month (if not at all) 
  3. Limit to weekly-work budget to $20-30 a week 
  4. Work out more (fatty.)
  5. Eat less junk food
  6. Get more sleep 
  7. Check my checking account balance daily
  8. Start reading again 
  9. Keep my room clean
  10. Design design design
Let's do this!!

365 Project | January

Woo hoo! I'm very proud of myself! I completed my first month of Photo 365! Of course I couldn't take all of the credit, I used a handy app to collect all my selected photo of each day and then placed them into InDesign and BAM! :] But still being able to remember to take a picture every day is a little victory in itself. Since I'm already here talking about January I wanted to quickly do a monthly-reflection blog that I plan on doing every...well month LOL.

January went by so fast, I barely felt it but then again when do you ever notice time? Never! It was a pretty awesome month did a lot of things that were quite memorable. Present me wants future me to remember certain things about this month that I may later forget...
  • Took my first official sick day from work
  • Went kind of crazy during the launch for Starbucks Blonde
  • Actually, realizing it mid sentence, Starbucks is in here quite a few times LOL
  • Went shooting for the first time and it was freakin AMAZING!! 
  • Spent a whole day in heels (well in wedges but high wedges) 
  • Got much closer to the Hypothesis family  -- yay happy hours! 
  • Disneyland trip with Chanelle!! 
So sad to see the first month go but I'm pretty stoked to see what's in store for me for the following months!! I do plan on producing these images and making a scrapbook or something with them, I'm excited to see the finish product. But first, let's hope I can keep up with my 365 project. February is next! March is on deck!

Till next time 365!