Thursday, October 25, 2012


This is me currently. I woke up from my nap over 2 hours ago and drank some coffee to wake me up to start my night session of creativity. Usually during these sessions (whether night or day) I like to sit down and submerge myself into books/magazines/articles of SOMETHING... tonight's session? Drawing & cursive writing. So yea, just spent the last 2 hours practicing the two :] Anyways that's not what this blog is about but I guess this is a good start? Yes? Haha.

Updates updates...hmm. Honestly I'm flabbergasted that it's freakin October 25... it was JUST my birthday. Gosh time flies by so fast ! Then it's Thanksgiving and then CHRISTMAS! :] Ack! I'm so excited! This will be my first Christmas away with my family T_T however on a more positive note this will be my first Christmas with roommates! We're pretty stoked about getting a tree and decorating the crap out of our studio!

By the way, did I mention how much I love my roommates? Yea. I do.

Okay, I'm straying away from the main topic of this blog.


Work is amazing as always, lately I've been feeling more confident in my work and I'm pretty happy about that. Before I used to design something and have to fall back on Cody or Jhomar and NEED the feedback because I didn't feel too confident about what I had just designed but now I find myself designing something and just passing it on for critiques. In a sense, I feel like they don't need to hold my hand. I also found myself being able to conceptualize a lot better and honestly I'd have to thank the amount of clients that we have. I literally bounce from Disney Baby to Starbucks to Hot Wheels within weeks of turnarounds with a very tight deadline so the amount of brainstorming for a normal project (which is how many weeks?) turns into a day if not a couple hours and I'm really grateful for that type of work, I know that in the long run it'll make me a great designer. Being able to think on me feet so to speak :]

I've also noticed the amount of bonding that the Wolfpack is having, that or I'm just thankful for the people I work with. Cody is an amazing designer with so much freakin talent that it makes me not want to go back to school because I already have a teacher every single day for 8 hours to learn from. Jessica is kind of like Cody but in a woman form, she too, is amazing. Her print/layout blows me away almost all the time and she makes outstanding wedding invitations. She's also a very intelligent person, I feel if I ever ask her a question she ALWAYS has the answer. Overall she's just great to be around..also it took the load off being the only girl on the team :P Jhomar is and always will be my first design supervisor so I'll always respect him for what he's taught me in my first year... he's also become a very good friend of mine.. (and neighbor) and he too can teach me so much but not in graphics but in other be honest he's the reason why I've been disciplining myself to learn how to draw better... something about seeing his photos at The Coffee Bar/D&D (also seeing his sketch book) made me realize that there's so much to learn and he never stops wanting to learn and I totally love it. SO WHAT I'M SAYING IS... I have the best co-workers, the end.

Tony and I are wonderfuuuul :] Our love has never been stronger and I love him more and more everyday. You can see our blog here:

My family, well my family is far away now but it seems as if everything is still great. I miss the SH*T out of them. I'm still not use to not being able to see them, it really sucks to be honest :/ I really miss Saturday breakfast at the counter eating my dads cooking. Sigh* BUT it's a part of growing up. Knowing that they're only 30 min away makes me feel better and if anything there's always Skype/text/phone calls but still not the same. I miss my sister the most, I feel like I'm missing out on a lot of my sister milestone in high school and not being able to watch her grow basically kills me but I try my best to still be there.. ugh <3 I miss her. I'm going to steal her one day to spend the weekend with me hahaha. Dottie too, I miss that long body short legged cow. Egad! I just miss my family.

As for me, I'm just trying to keep myself busy at work and when I'm not there I try to stay productive but I do allow some resting time cause I obviously don't want to burn myself out. I'm thinking of re-vamping my brand. I feel like little 'ol Krislam in the yellow shirt with the cute colors surrounding her NEEDS-TA-GO... so I am working with other designers (Peter Deltondo) to re-vamp my website...but of course I need to think of how I want to brand myself and we all know how easy that is *wink* x]


Living here in LA has definitely changed me for the better, I know that's early to say being that it's only been a month but I mean that's saying something. I feel a lot more independent and just overall a damn grown up. I mean bills, rent, dental insurance... GAH! I remember being so young and wanting to be a grown up and now all I wanna do is just play with play-doh and watch TV, jk no I don't. But seriously I'm thankful every day for the life that God has given me and well I'm trying my best not to make many mistakes HAHA :D

Anyways, this is a long post that I had initially intended to be in a bulleted format haha. The roomies are asleep now so I should probably clean up and head back to my spot. LIGHTS OUT! :D Not really... I just don't want to be the reason they can't fall asleep.

Till next time world!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Sitting alone in the cafeteria.

It's been a year since I stepped into the grown up world and found myself surrounded by intelligent and creative people. I always think to myself how blessed I am to be around these certain type of people to feed me knowledge I can later use in life. But what I also learned is how "not in" I am with the crowd.

The thing is, I always felt like a little outcast but I know that I'm not, but I wasn't always the one sitting with the cool kids at school in fact it was the complete opposite. I always felt like the kid that sat alone, out of the loop and uncool because I'm not hip in pop culture or I tend to stumble over my words or even walking around with just an AA degree is arts, making me feel...well...dumb and uneducated.


Growing up my parents tried to do everything in their power to give me the best but at the same time very much restricted my abilities and ways to venture out into finding out new things. HECK, I didn't even feel independent till I hit FIDM and even then I only knew design and JUST design.

Now, I've met some really great people and listen to their stories about going out to different states, reading certain books, keeping up with politics, watching all the movies that come out...etc. etc.

And well, I'm the girl who came from a little town in the suburbs that went to a college that didn't necessarily embrace the same amount of freedom and "college" life and basically lived a simple life. Yes I do have hobbies and yes I do have ambitions to do more but I feel like I'm not up to par with todays lifestyle...

I don't know, it's just a random thought that I've been dwelling on upon learning how not in tune I am with the world :/

Maybe I just have different interests? Different views? Different hobbies...

Not sure but sometimes I like to sit alone, it's what makes :]

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Thank you, Mom.

My rock, best friend, my mom :]
It's almost been a month since I left home and moved out on my own and every day that passes by there isn't a moment where I stop and realize how much I'm like my mom.

As I'm washing dishes, cleaning the counter tops, taking out the trash and trying to keep our place cleaned up (specifically my area, like honestly it's ridiculous how clean it is) I start to think about my mom and how I used to get annoyed at how much she cleaned and always asked why she ALWAYS had to clean, why she ALWAYS had to have things organized. I would always throw a tantrum whenever my mom would interrupt me with whatever I was doing to help her clean. I never understood what her and her obsession to clean was all about until I was the one cleaning just like her :)  I took what was one of the many skills a mother should pass down to her child for granted. Through all the fits my mom threw about my room not being clean, for all those times she'd yell at me for not doing my laundry or giving me a hard time about me not being a responsible young lady, NOW I get it. She wasn't being mean, she just wanted me to learn.

And now that I'm all by myself I'm so grateful to have a mom like mine...without her...well, my life would be a mess...literally.

I wish my mom knew how much I'm growing up to be like her, she'd be so proud but knowing her she wouldn't believe me cause to her I'm always going to be the little girl in the high chair putting spaghetti in my hair.

I love my mom and everything she has taught me.
I miss her (and her super cleanliness to death)

Thanks for being such an amazing inspiration, Mom! 
I love you :]

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

To be lucky like me ♥

How can someone like me be so lucky to have found someone to love me for who I am? To run around with Mickey ears around Disneyland with me well knowing how much of a fool we’re making ourselves to be. To be so patient with my mistakes and stubbornness. To be cute, smart, funny  & so loving all at the same time. How?  
This right here ladies and gentleman is the love of my life. I’d like to second Tony’s thoughts in his previous post and ask how is it possible to love someone so much? Just how!? 
My tonyface, my babyboy… You mean the absolute world to me and it isn’t because you gave me the best birthday ever but because of your patience. The fact that you’re still around is beyond me, God must of spent a little more time on you (cheesey!) to be my partner in crime when I myself is the crime. I love you to the moon and back my love. I know you and I have our moments of distress but we always pull through and that’s pretty much because we’re awesome, aha! I cannot wait to have more adventures, create more memories & grow old with you.
I don’t want to love or be loved by anyone else except YOU
Thanks for all the memories baby and thank you for being such an amazing-loving boyfriend. 
I’m so thankful and blessed to be your babygirl!
Cheers to many more Tony&Krislam adventures!

Tooth Ache (Cracked Tooth?)

For the past several months I’ve been experiencing a lot of pain with my teeth. It all started when I saw a little dot on one of my molars. I went in thinking it may have been my first cavity and alas it was 1 of 4 cavities I had received in the course of a year (maybe 2).

I went in to get my fillings thinking “this will be over in no time!” Sure enough only 3 out of 4 procedures were successful. The last procedure basically opened up a new door for me as a dental patient (also learning that dental is freakin’ expensive). The doctor did her usual procedure before drilling my tooth, she administered the anesthetic once and went in a tried to drill — I felt it. After 5 tubes of anesthetic I was still feeling pain. She ended up not going through with the filling because any more anesthetic I would of passed out. (Btw, was totally shaking and light headed when I left) It was then I was sent to a specialist and of course he told me that I need a root canal.

Root canals are expensive and I had used up all my “credits” from my dental insurance so I’m forced to wait until 2013 for it to restart. I thought, “No biggie, I have the other side to chew on.”
BUT OF COURSE, I had been chewing on the left side for so long that the same molar but opposite side started to hurt. THANKFULLY, I don’t need a root canal. Doctor said it must be me clenching my teeth and well, I do find myself doing that a lot. But have no fear, sensodyne and good habits are here to save the day.

YEA NO. (left side pain started to subside UNTIL...)

Today I was eating crackers when I noticed that the left side molar started hurting again. It took me by surprise to be honest because the crackers weren’t too hot nor cold so I was like, “well that’s weird.” I ignored it because maybe my tooth was being stubborn. Throughout the day I started noticing the pain more and more so when I finally got home I got the end of a spoon (or well beginning) and did the biting test.

I bit down and poked at the center of my molar and there it was, the origin of the pain. I of course having done my google research and know what temperature sensitivity is pain is like came to the conclusion that I may have a cracked tooth. At this point, all I want to do is cry.

And the thing is, it’s not even about the money. If it’ll cost me money to get rid of this pain so be it. It’s the fact that if I lose this tooth I may lose the structure of my smile. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a very vain person but I love my smile and it’s the one thing that really makes me, me.

I’m hoping I can get a consultation with my dentist tomorrow seeing that she’s conveniently located on the 9th floor in the same building I’m in. I really hope that she doesn’t say it’s cracked, but given the fact that the pain is concentrated in a certain spot and is triggered by pressure doesn’t give me much hope.

But I guess we’ll see. Until then I’m going to give up candy for a very long time. Chocolate though…I don’t know LOL. But laffy taffy, licorice anything taffy or extremely sticky has got to go!

Wish me luck!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Cheers! I'm finally 21!

That's right! 
Little 'ol me ain't so little no more! But don't let the age fool you I get a feeling 5 years from now I'd still be jumping at Disneyland, hehe. My 21st was amazing and here's why --

Oct. 2(Midnight): Roomies and I went down to Hollywood to go shopping for a birthday suit then had dinner on Sunset. Waited till I was officially 21 at Buzz Liquor store to purchase my first bottle of champagne. Drank a little too much, but hey it's my birthday!

Oct. 3: Happy birthday to me! Was spoiled rotten with greetings and hugs! After work (yes I went to work on my birthday) went to Happy Hour with the Hypothesis family + Tony & John at Mas Malos on 7th and took my first birthday shot, had a glass of margarita and the rest was history!

Oct. 4: Vacation-Shopping day with the Biffle! Went to RA Sushi in Chino hills and got our grub on, like seriously 7 dishes and toasted to finally being 21 and enjoyed our first cocktail together (kuddos to Jourel for finishing my drink too!) After, went shopping and hurt my wallet a little.."little"

Oct. 5: Celebrated with my family at Gyu-Kaku in VGs. They bought me a huge champagne bottle balloon, hehe. There was cake & food everywhere. I also had my first smore, woo! I love my family sooo much! They're the best !

Oct. 6: Disneylaaaaaaaaaand with my baby! By far THE BEST Disney trip ever! Surprise lunch at Plaza Inn where it got a little cheesey with cake decorating, going store to store throwing my money at Disney, racing each other to the gates, getting stuck on Big Thunder Mountain, getting scared out of my mind on Space Mountain and finally finishing the day with a surprise romantic dinner at the Blue Bayou. Tony went fancy on me, Disney style ;] T'was the best night ever!

So technically I celebrated my birthday for almost a week straight, keke. And it's not over yet! In 2 weeks I'll be headed to Las Vegas for a very unbirthday celebration! I'm cheating though, I'm only going cause Tony has a convention to go to for work and I'm just tagging along, BUT HEY, it's still Vegas.

Overall, my birthday consisted of me being able to see & hang out with the people I love the most. I know I've said it over and over again but I'm so grateful for having such amazing family & friends!

Cheers to many more birthdays! :} 

Monday, October 1, 2012

Random Reflection

2009 - 2012
There are times when I take pictures and remember an old picture that looks very similar to the one that was just taken and then reflect back on the old picture and remember where I was, who I was and what I was trying to become and now some years later I am that person that I once aspired to be :] It makes me happy to see it happen and I'm always going to be thankful for everything ! Thank you, FIDM !

Boots forevah :]

Meet my dog, Dottie.

And well - she’s does absolutely nothing. BUT she knows how to shake hands :]

I started to get a little home sick so I decided, "I'm going to steal Dottie" and so I did! It's been 2 weeks and the first week it was hard for her to adjust to the city being that she is so suburbanized but she ended up getting used to everything. At first it was hard for her to get on the elevator but now she totally strolls into it like nothing and it makes me such a happy human :] She's also learned not to bark, knows when to go to the bathroom, jump into her bean bag chair (that's a whole other story) & just be a great studio/loft dog. I love her :]  I'm so glad she's here! Apart from her company she gives me a reason to wake up early in the morning and get my workout in. I love you, Cow :] Oh and the roomies totally love her! :]

Happy human with her cow becoming a downtown pup! :]